
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Terrible Twos

The oldies discuss who eats and in what order
Given my parents' (and husband's) scandalous lack of a trust fund, my plan for funding two horses involves a lot of careful budgeting. The good news is that I am an organizational nerd who lives off of lists.

I took a few minutes yesterday and made "The Binder". I plan to dress it up more in the future, but for now it has two sections--one for Cuna and one for Courage (trying this name on for size).

Not exactly doing dressage yet
Each section has an expense list, a monthly calendar to track progress and events, a copy of their pedigree, and their race record. Cuna's also includes his USEF record. I'd like to add coggins, brand inspections, and potentially dressage tests, but all in good time.

Oh yes we have a pink halter

Good thing I got it done. I was thinking Courage' first big expense would be his farrier bill on Friday, but homeboy stuck his leg through the fence yesterday and I got to beef up my first aid kit. He'll be fine and I got to add something to my brand new list.

 I want to be deliberate about tracking expenses, so I have my expense sheet divided up in sections. I track the date I spent money, what I purchased, what payment method I used, and what it was for. So far, my divisions are:
Upkeep (board, feed, farrier)
Tack (obv)
Showing (straightforward)
Education (lessons, clinics, training rides)
Other (vet supplies, random stuff)

Here's the thing: with two, I don't exactly have an unlimited tack budget, so I'm forcing myself to economize and be honest about money coming in and going out. My budget tells me it's possible--I'm hoping my expense sheet keeps me focused on the budget.

If this all sounds miserable to you, well, you're probably not a compulsive list maker like myself. The other motivating factor is this:


  1. Lists are AMAZING. I budget my entire financial life very similarly. May have to add "payment" method to mine, too. That's a great idea.

  2. Ha, yes, lists are amazing. I have a color-coded excel spreadsheet for my monthly bills, divided into pay period...the colors indicated whether the payment is pending or cleared the bank, and how it left (ie, auto debit, credit, check, etc).

  3. I am a list freak too and I really like the way your budget plan sounds... Might have to swipe some ideas from you.

  4. I am a list maker, I just never made one for Carlos because Carlos was the spoiled horse. Ramone is the budget horse in an age where I could probably spend more money on him then I did on Carlos. That being said, minimize monetary investment to maximize future profit. I keep mine Excel in Da Cloud! *zoom*

  5. So I hate lists and kinda sort of hate those who rock them because I always feel so unorganized in comparison. I chalk it up to being green with envy because I desperately want to be organized. *sigh*

    Oh and I'm liking Courage...:)

  6. So cute! I am also a list-maker, and I love mu budget worksheet. It's all-inclusive, so horses are just a section, but it really helps keep me honest. Plus the year-to-year comparisons I find really helpful :)

  7. Your lists sound amazing! I should really so the same thing for've inspired me!

  8. Yay for the first ride! Hope it went well!

  9. I need to get Simon's binder together, although I've started it. I keep track of all his expenses, and it really helps me determine what I should or should not purchase in the future.

  10. Wow. Clearly I did NOT READ THE LAST POST and missed the big news. (SQUEE!) he's gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more and I like the name...

    I should really update my binders. I went from total organization to just shoving receipts in without looking.


  11. Oh he's just so cute! My kindle wasnt cooperating in leaving a comment on your original Courage post so belated CONGRATS! I have been thinking it's time to track Pongo expenses. I just swipe the card and pretend like it never happened, LOL...this year has been wicked expensive for us!!!!

  12. Courage is the cutest boy!! Aside from Cuna of course...
    Do you have the "mint" app..tracks all spending, scary and fun

  13. Congrats on really fun list making, and OMG congrats on a new pony!!

  14. Saaaweeeet! Love the picture and I happen to love lists, too, they are just so darn handy. Congrats again!

  15. List Schmists, I Want To Hear About The Goings On In The Last Photo.

  16. Love details and list/organization!!

    Last picture details?!?!

  17. Can't get over how freaking cute he is! I'm sure you'll make it work with two horses, list making is the best :)

  18. You can do it! With the help of lists/binders. =)

  19. I keep lists and binders too, but I like the sound of your binder. It is very organized, and I do love organized...
