
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Here We Go!

As you may have noticed, Hilary and L. Williams are hosting this year's round of the Two Point Challenge. I wasn't going to participate, given that my ride is a whopping two months off the track.

But then I realized that my riding really needs it. Plus I have a buddy to do it with. Plus if there's anything a racehorse can do, it's let people two point over him.

Because we're badass
So we're in. We took our baseline time today in the cold blowing wind. The little man was perfect and I shocked myself by getting 5:38 for my start time. Yikes. I'm going to have to bust my butt to get most improved.

Possibly the most interesting video in the world:

Not only was the little man a star to two point around on, but he's also feeling GREAT post bodywork. The practitioner said it would take him a while to really trust the adjustments, and yeah. He's like a different horse, but his brain is just as awesome as ever. I am loving his new willingness to reach out and cover ground with those long legs of his. Winning!!

Who else is down for the two point challenge? Am I the only one on a green horse?


  1. Gunna try and get my baseline tonight! And I'm not sure if Fiction is still considered a Greenie, but he's most definitely not a packer! :P

  2. Wow over 5 minutes?! I'm doing my baseline tonight...I really hope I don't have the lowest starting baseline =P that would be quite embarrassing

  3. Great baseline! I'm doing mine tonight, and depending on your definition my horse is green :)

  4. Dang thats a good baseline! get it girl!

  5. I'm doing it - my girl is green to jumping/people two-pointing on her, so it can be interesting... Baby jumpers FTW!

  6. Green ponies all around. I have no idea how Brantley is going to take the two-point... Getting his shoes fixed tomorrow so I can get my baseline. I think it's more his baseline vs. my own. I hope it's at least 30 seconds!

  7. You will not be the only one on a green horse, I must be crazy, but I just joined :)

  8. I will be too!!!!! I"m sure Riley will be happy for me to get my flailing monkey self off of his back for a few minutes:) I'm going to get my baseline tomorrow!

  9. I want to do the challenge, but I think with my schedule being so crazy, I just won't have time to stay on top of it :-/ Courage looks great!
