
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tack 'Ho Therapy

You all knew this post was coming.

The borrowing can't go on
I'm tack 'ho on the best of days, and it certainly hasn't been the best of anything lately. Naturally, when you combine a tack 'ho with severe emotional vulnerability and top it off with a sale, you get a shit ton of new pony toys.

First things first: I ordered a sparkle browband for Courage. He goes in size midget and he deserves to have something that fits. More on this later, I promise.

Nunn Finer "bridge" breastcollar
Then Tack of the Day made a move that can only be called "wildly exploitative of my mental state" and put the breastcollar I've been drooling over on sale for a wildly low price. So yeah, this baby will be coming home whenever the TOTD gods see fit to actually ship it.

I guess the advantage to having a midget horse is that when things go on sale only in XL and XS, you just grab the XS and march to the checkout like you earned it. BOOYAH AVERAGE SIZED HORSES. WHO'S THE BEST AT WEARING TINY SHIT??


That would be Courage.

Berney Brother jump saddle
I thought I'd done enough damage at that point, since I also bought a couple of dvds and a magazine subscription (not horse related), and then I ran across this beauty:

Hm... I own three saddles. Two don't fit C-rage at all and the third is sort of ok for both of us, but not really ok if we want to jump much of anything (we do).

And this was our size and going for a song.

I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. You're welcome for the overly grim metaphor. My bank account insisted.

Naturally, before I found the saddle, I'd already bid on a saddle pad on eBay. It was in our colors with custom embroidery and sparkles and I wanted it. I was trying to be semi-responsible, so I only bid the minimum and figured I'd be outbid almost immediately.

Only I wasn't. Now C-rage is going to be the proud pony sporting a custom chocolate pad with teal sparkles and his name on the side. I'm not even going to pretend to apologize for how blingy and un-traditional it is. Tradition can stuff a sock in it and my little man is going to shine.

I'm back on a very strict budget, as per the usual. I HATE HATE HATE not having money, so it's going to be a slow tack year (ok, quarter) until I feel like I'm back on track.

In the mean time, keep your drool off my toys.


  1. I bought the same breast collar recently and I absolutely love it. The leather is awesome. I hope the XS fits Courage well! The standard was a tad bit big on Fiction and he is gigantic.

  2. I have an unhealthy addiction to saddle pads. Your new one sounds fabulous. I had no idea eBay could be a new source to supply my habit!

  3. I love TOTD, I got a STEAL on a Nunn Finer 5 point breast collar in 2012. LOVE IT! Jealous on the saddle purchase, make sure you post pics when it all comes in

  4. I have a bridge breastplate too and I love it! Sadly since my boy is not only oversized, but I have to have it in black, I needed to spring to buy it from Germany, but it's been so worth it. I LOVE the functionality and the look of it.

    And if you would care to share - what's your Ebay source for that AMAZING saddle pad??? :)

  5. I saw that breastplate but you're right there are definite advantages to NOT having an average sized horse!

    Yay for new toys! But I hear you on the sad bank account front.

  6. OMG. That saddle pad. I love it with all my heart.

  7. Ahhh I love new things. Horse related retail therapy is so much better than retail therapy for human things.

  8. My, my gosh that pad! Love it!! I'm a mostly-western-but-I-dabble-in-english type person so I'm all for color and bling. :)

  9. LOVE the saddle pad and congrats on the Berney Bros!

  10. TOTD is the best, it is too tempting though.
    I love that saddle pad!

  11. HOLY CRAP I love that saddle pad!
    And I completely understand how it feels to combine a tack 'ho with severe emotional vulnerability and a sale. After my brother passed, I borrowed my parents car and headed to the tack shop to get lost for awhile. I just stood there looking at all the things and settled for a pretty new bridle that I probably didn't need. How I was able to stop myself from buying everything... was beyond me.

  12. Love Berney saddles!
    Wishing you well wear with all the new toys...shall do my best not to drool on all the shiney new things - but they are all fab!

  13. LOVE THE SADDLE PAD. So pretty. I'm the fellow owner of a midget (large pony) so we snatch up tiny stuff, too!

  14. New horse toys make things better...and me jealous! Enjoy all the new things!! :)

  15. That saddle pad! *drool* and I was eyeballing that breastplate, you're lucky it will fit your guy!

  16. I love that pad! Cool blings;)

  17. Well, you did a lot of therapy, so you should feel better now! Plus Courage is going to be decked the fuck out... I love it!!

  18. lol....Im also on a budget and will have limited tack whoring this year. Sad face :( Love the breastplate!

  19. You. Me. Same same. Love tack, love sales, love online. The End.

  20. oooooh nice!! Lots of new things!!

  21. Shiny things! All the things! Mayhaps you could link the ebay seller? LOVE that pad!!

  22. I'd say those were all practical, necessary purchases ;-)

    Love that saddle pad too! Really, really, love. Do you think if I got one with my horse's name (Armani) I'd be in for some kind of copyright infringement? lol.

    I need tack 'ho intervention, but not in the way you think! I keep going into tack stores to buy stuff...and don't really have anything to buy. How is this possible?? The only things I seem to want/need (sliding scale, there) are the super expensive things. Sigh, I need to learn to shop again!

  23. I LOVE that saddle pad.

  24. Where did you get the saddle pad?!

  25. You're hilarious! I love all these things, especially all the sparkle :) It's not bad having a tiny horse!

  26. Love the pad! Where did you find it on Ebay!!!

  27. Looks as if you made a killing, and I don't just mean to your bank account. *F* Neat stuff!

  28. Gahhh I love that breastplate! I saw it on TOTD too but I'm already in debt from Charlie's new blankets and I really don't NEED it hahaha It looks great though

  29. Damn girl! You go all in! Seriously love the pad. I'm addicted to anything monogrammed/embroidered.
