
Monday, April 14, 2014

When Real Life Sucks

Still cute
I try not to write too many downer posts in a row, but I balance that with being honest. Here's honest:

Last Wednesday, Courage threw his shoe. No big deal--call the farrier. Find out that he's leaving town and won't be back until mid next week.

I'd just call another farrier, but I didn't have the shoe and since he's due for all four anyways, I don't really want to pay someone else to put one on and make more holes in his foot.

Which means we missed both our lesson and our potential first show.

But all that is less important when my check engine light comes on in my admittedly very old car. I take it to my mechanic, who tells me it's not worth fixing. Unless I am just really attached to my 1989 Dodge Omni, it's time to move on.

Of course, saving for a new car is in the budget for this year, but buying one in April is not. He figured out a way to jerry rig it and buy me some time, but it costs that much more.

And then I lose my debit card.

And the dentist is coming out to do teeth today, which Courage really needs.

And the farrier tomorrow, because I don't want his feet to fall apart.

Not taking this show on the road
So anyways. I realize that I'm lucky. I and those I care about are physically well. I have the ability to pick up more work and make more money.

I'm just tired and stressed out and overwhelmed and sadder than I thought I would be about waving goodbye to my dreams for this show season.

I guess after last year sucked all the joy out of life, I was hoping that this year would redeem it.

And yes, absolutely I realize I sound like a spoiled, whining first world constituent who needs to get over herself. And I will.

I'll train hard and have fun and do (inexpensive/free) stuff with my friends. It'll still be a good year, just not the one I was hoping for.


  1. Car stress is not fun. You may consider a lease if money is tight. If you're close to everything, you can get a pretty good deal on economy cars for a two year lease and you won't be responsible for more than maintenance.

  2. I agree with Lauren-someone in my family did a lease to own on their little 4 door and it was really affordable!

    So sorry that this week has been stressful! Hopefully it'll get turned around soon :)

  3. Cars suck. I am currently on week 3 of my rental car because mine has been RECALLED. Awesome sauce... not.

  4. I know you've been with me through the last two show seasons, when my husband lost his job right at the beginning of the season, two years in a row. It hurt a lot, and I grieved over losing my very first show seasons, but looking back on it, Connor wasn't ready back then. I see now that he was physically mature, but not mentally mature. We're so much more solid now for having spent those two years (with a couple of shows here and there, as I could afford them) focusing just on training and letting him grow up. It sucks, and it's no fun watching everyone go off without you, but you'll be a better and more confident team for it.

  5. Aww I'm so sorry your show season is dead... :( Don't totally give up hope. Maybe you can still show later after you buy a new vehicle and save up some money again. If not it will be okay. Free stuff with friends is fun too hehe.

  6. I really think its the wacky weather this year - everything just wants to fall apart. :( But don't give up hope! Another day is another start. :D

  7. Too bad about your car, just went through something similar. If you need money making tips on the side - shoot me a message....I am the queen of making money for show funds!

  8. Real Life can be the pits! Here's to all the fun free/cheap things!

  9. Sorry things are falling apart. That's frustrating!

  10. Bummer on the car- I know it's a tough nut to swallow. I drove my old car to the ground and still wasn't prepared for the down payment. Hopefully you can get in a show or two at the end of the season!

  11. Ugh. Just ugh. It comes in waves. The universe needs to get the memo to send you a wave of good news.

    Don't know if this would work in your situation, but what about hosting a little show at your barn? By special invitation only. You could dress up the jumps using random stuff from around the barn or house. Friends' horses trailering in would create an exciting atmosphere for C-rage, and you could bake cookies as payment for whomever you find to be the judge. Just a random idea.

  12. Such bummers :( Everyone needs to complain, it doesn't matter how "first world-ly" your problems are. They're still problems. Good luck with the car search. If it helps new cars are super exciting... almost exciting enough to ease the pain of the payment each month :)

  13. I'm sorry everything is happening at once. :(

  14. Sometimes I can still hear my mom asking me, "what? you think money grows on trees?" No, I don't but sometimes I sure wish it did. Horses are such an expensive hobby. I too have to remind myself how lucky I am just to participate at all.

    Hope things look up for you soon!

  15. You're 10000% entitled to a good whine every now and again. Sorry things all crashed in at once. But, more time to prepare isn't the worst thing with a youngster. It just means more blue ribbons when you guys are able to show and kick everyone's booties!

  16. Totally can relate. And sometimes it nice to let out to people who understand. I'm still jobless (didn't think I would be) and so far, very lucky to still have my horse at the barn, but also not the season I was expecting to have. Just keep moving forward :)

  17. you don't sound spoiled, its uncanny how everything can happen at once fiscally. We all have our looming expenses (as I look out at a fence that sways in the breeze), sorry yours came up sooner than expected. Maybe there will be some local shows in your future? Most of us are priced out of the big, fancy shows anyways.

  18. Aww that shucks. When it rains, it pours. And hails. But this means that there should be a rainbow in your near future, right? At least you've got C-rage as a therapist... Still, :(

  19. Hope it's all uphill from here! Best wishes on the car search!

  20. Real life is not always fun, and you shouldn't feel bad about calling it like it is! Hopefully you still get a chance to get him out to show, but if not, C-rage will be happy to just play with you this year :)

  21. Ok, sure, first world problems. But that is the world we are in and it doesn't mean that it isn't hard sometimes. Sure, the content changes and it's good to remember how fortunate we are overall. Still, I don't think it is whiny etc to have a good vent now and then. You've made some plans and goals and now that's changed, of course you feel badly about that. But maybe I feel that way bc I really want/borderline need a second car and really don't want to pay for one.

    Maybe you can make some plans such as gaining experience on hacks, or making scary jumps at home the new focus of this seasons goals, just to keep you motivated?

  22. We can not-show together. :/ My real life sucks right now too.

  23. I wish I was rich. Because I would share all of the money. But, alas, that is not true. So instead, we will plan fun adventures, take lots of pictures, put on our own shows, and have a damn good time.

  24. Boy … can I empathize! Lots of little things always feel so HUGE! My biggest disappointment this year is having Speedy be on the disabled list. We were so ready to hit First Level at USDF shows this year. Now? Zilch. On the plus side, I am riding the heck out of Sydney and doing LOTS of lessons and clinics, but I like to show. Clinics and lessons seem pointless if I don't get to test my newly acquired skills.

    Ah well. Life continues. Having healthy family members, human, equine, and canine makes it hard to complain too much. :0)

  25. I drove my old Nissan PU for 5 years with the check engine light on. My current Nissan PU has had the light on for about 6 months.
