
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

That Time of Year Already

He's pretty much like a super model
It seems disproportionately early, but the days are getting drastically shorter, the leaves are changing color, and even Courage is growing in a winter coat. I know I didn't clip him until November last year, but he seems to be adjusting to the Idaho climate (hella colder than California) and his coat is coming in a lot faster this year than last year.

Plus we should still have riding weather for at least another 6 weeks, maybe 8-10 if we're lucky.

That of course brings us to the real question of the day:


Do love the clean look of a full clip
I know I hemmed and hawed about whether I approved of doing designs last year, but I ended up coming down firmly on the side of fun for the first clip at least.

Aside from the fun factor, I think what tipped the balance for me is that designs and contrast opens up conversations with lots of people, horsey and otherwise, about clipping and horse care and OTTBs and I think all of those things are interesting.

I have a few ideas, though I doubt I'll top the blogger queens of clipping, aka MONICA and ANDREA!!!

Who else is kicking off clipping season?


  1. Oh man I am going through my list of ideas... flames, or bricks, or spikes.... o so many choices!

  2. oooh i'm eager to see what you decide on!

  3. Dino's been sporting his clip for 2 weeks now already! gonna be time for a touch-up in another couple weeks... dang hairy little monster. I am a big advocate for creatively-shaped trace clips. Loving the one I did this year more and more as i look at it.

  4. Cosmo has been naked for a couple weeks. I tried to wait but he was hairy and it's still pretty warm so he was a sweat ball. We went full clip for him just because it's easiest to keep him clean and dry. I think he likes it.

  5. Already did a full clip. Seriously considered doing a design on his butt, but I opted to wait until the second clip for that. I don't want the unclipped hair to be so long.

  6. I need to figure out when to do this, but for me the only clip is a full body clip.

  7. I already clipped in September, haha! Full body clip. Will be clipping again in a few weeks. le sigh.

  8. Katman is going to get a full body clip soon. Working him he just gets too sweaty and our weather is nice enough right now there will be no blanketing required for a little while. That will give me a chance to get his new sheet made.

  9. Ugh -- Miles needs to be clipped soon too. I'm just not sure if I should do full body like last year, or just a trace. Decisions, decisions!

  10. We're on clip #2 for our guys. Nothing like owning Extra Hairy Yaks in Texas.

  11. hah thanks for the S/O! I'm still in the process of clipping my wildebeest, mostly due to the mud factor. Yay clipping!

  12. I wanna do those stars every time I clip now!

  13. Just waiting for my blades to come back! Love me a clipped horse. I can't wait to see what you do with Courage this year!

  14. Mine will hopefully be clipped at the end of this month when they start coming in at nights. These few weeks are always the hardest for Kika, I think she is the hairiest horse on our yard & there are over 100 horses stabled where we are!!!!

  15. I'm putting mine off a week or two more still! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  16. I've al ways wanted to do some sort of fun clipping adventure with Brantley buthe there's no point this year. I'll live vicariously through the rest of you guys :)

  17. Ugh, it seems they are all extra super hairy this year. My barn body clips like crazy anyway but mine has already been body clipped once in September and then again this week. He does look fabulous clipped out though...

  18. Not me - I'm a blanketing queen and I can manage not to clip since its cooler here!

  19. Love all the creative clipping out there! Courage looked fab with his custom clip last year.

  20. I'l be doing wizard's "racing stripe" next weekend (aka, courage's clip with the stars). I like the classic look on horses so I'm not a huge fan of designs, but they can be pretty cool when done well! I just don't have the talent :)
