
Friday, December 26, 2014

Pony Presents!!

What Christmas looks like
I frequently whine that my family thinks I'm some sort of addict and won't buy me horse related presents. I love my family and they are great, and OMG I have the best barn friends ever. The Musketeers (TM) got together for a fun pony gift exchange. You already know Redheadlins, Alyssa, and Micaylah, plus our final member who goes to school in another state. (wtf who does that). And my BO from our last barn gave me a present, because she is the best ever.

Anywho. It was a really fun night with lots of laughs. I am the worst friend because I'm doing Valentine's Presents this year (ugh so poor need to space presents out right now), but no one cared and I feel guilty for all the incredible presents I got.

Quick rundown:

Sparkle bell boots, omg! Not only are they blingtastic, but they also make Courage look like a fancy dressage horse. It's an all win situation.

You've all seen my trunk before, but the stickers are new. Specifically, you're probably noticing the Dapplebay sticker which (YESSSSSSS) came with the matching OTTB Dapplebay shirt.

It is a short sleeve shirt, so it probably won't see a lot of wear until spring, but I love it and wanted it and never would have bought it for myself.

Oh, and I'd link you to their website but it's acting super weird and I have no clue. Just google if you want it.

I need to get a pic of this, but also the super awesome "under control" shirt with all the bits on it. Because bits. It's perfect.

Ok truth: I have wanted one of those thermoquilt stable blankets FOREVER. I never could justify one and I don't really think it would fit into my blanket round up at all, but I love the look and the material.

Oh, and then the ever-wonderful B got me a quarter sheet out of that material for Christmas. :-D

So thrilled. I love it. Perfect weight, super soft, just right for those in-between days.

Makes me want to clip C-rage EVEN MORE.

AND. AND. I adore navy and silver and the OTTB Designs swag. They JUST came out with navy and silver and I drooled all over it, but the $$$ were not happening and WHOOP WHOOP OMG super awesome present.

in all it's unedited glory
Yikes. So many nice presents I feel like some sort of embarrassing brand 'ho or something horrible, so I'll leave off with two things:

1. I seriously have the best friends a girl could want.

2. Spot the super cool present in this picture that I haven't mentioned yet:


  1. I spy a bridle charm.

  2. I see the bridle charm too! I'm glad you got awesome presents from your super awesome friends. :D Merry Christmas!

  3. The best musketeers around! That is for damn sure.

  4. Super swag girl, musketeers sound like the best friends ever!!!

  5. Bridle tags! Wow, swag! You cleaned up girlie!

  6. my parents won't buy me horse related gifts at christmas either :( you're lucky you have good friends!

  7. yay for awesome friends and awesome gifts!!

  8. Love those sheets! Want!! Spoiled and well deserved!
