
Monday, January 26, 2015

My Little Bay Horse

the best at dressage
I was going to do a write up about my really great lesson and accompanying pictures by Alyssa from last week, but I keep stopping because that's not really what's on my mind.

It happened. I had a great lesson. We talked about doing more with less (and how to sit in a dressage saddle) and I learned how to apply some concepts to improve all my rides (and showed C how I could get Courage to stick his head straight up every time I got tense).

And all that was very good.

But what stands out to me more is how far Courage and I have come together, even just this winter. I knew I tackled a big project when I got him straight off the track, but it was the right thing at the right time and I've never regretted it.

That said, moving him this winter and becoming solely responsible for his care and training has been a big step for me. It's not a new thing--I had the same responsibility with both Izzy and Cuna, but it's a first for Courage and I.

There's no one holding my hand. No one watching our every move. No helpful words of advice outside of lessons (because apparently I am the only nut job who thinks it's cool to ride on yet another frigid night in January).

And as we spend time together, our relationship changes a little bit. I've had plenty of rides start poorly and get worse and then I had to sort them out myself and find a way to make them positive. There was no throwing the reins away to someone else--Courage is all my problem right now.

I'm a better rider than I give myself credit for and Courage keeps reminding me that he really does want to be a good horse. We aren't the best or the fastest up the levels or the most talented, but we're melding into a team. We're learning what makes each other tick.

I've struggled relating to Courage because to me, he's always been "not Cuna". I don't have that passionate adoration and fiery connection that so defined my relationship with Cuna. I haven't held it against him, but it's definitely made me question what I'm doing on more than one occasion.

love this
And yet, as we learn new things and progress and make plans together, I'm starting to find my connection with Courage. The hallmarks of our relationship aren't the same as they have been with any other horse, but they've become uniquely ours.

I don't know where we're going. We're having fun exploring dressage. I still want to make it in the jumper ring. I love trail riding and I haven't ruled out working cows.

All I know is that wherever I'm going, there's a little blaze faced bay horse right there with me.


  1. this post makes me happy. ♥ you two look so great together and you've done an amazing job. I love seeing how much he's improved along with you and I'm so happy you're starting to build up a good connection!

  2. That is a lovely read! It is great you've gotten to know him and he you. That is a partnership.

  3. You guys are developing a wonderful relationship and partnership. And he is adorable as all get out. :-)

  4. Wow. He looks AWESOME. And, I like how you relate the development of your relationship with him. Not every horse/rider or horse/owner team is a majikal black stallion connection right from day one. Doesn't make it any less valid or any less meaningful.


  5. This is so sweet & sums up what it should be all about....the connection. That's what makes this crazy sport so special & worth it. Each horse gives us something different. I'm so glad you're more at home with him, he's a gem!

  6. What are you doing? You're learning more about yourself and riding and training. You're exploring loving horses outside of that passionate relationship you had with Cuna. You're right. It's not bad, just different. It doesn't mean you don't love your little bay horse. It's just different. Glad it's feeling comfortable and right. :)

  7. Sounds like you guys are building a great relationship! Lovely photos also :)

  8. Some relationships are ignited immediately, others smolder and build over time. You can tell there's a huge change in the way you've been riding him lately just by the pictures. I like it!

  9. Love those pictures!! It's inspiring how far you've come with Courage.

  10. I love the progress you two have made lately - just wonderful.

  11. I know these feels. They are the best feels. Getting more connected, trusting, and happy with your horse and relationship feels wonderful. And to realize how far you have come as a rider, and what your horse has helped make you into is also really cool. Congrats. :D

  12. What Jen said. It has been so fun to watch, and the strides you have made this winter are freaking huge!

  13. it's so exciting to watch your partnership with Courage develop over time! he's doing so well and you should be really proud of the work you've put into him!

  14. This post was too cute. I demand your next post to be sassy. Lol but Im so glad you and crage are becoming a team!!

  15. Awesome :) So happy for you

  16. I woudl have to say, as far as working as a team goes, you and Courage are one of the strongest iI know! Youve come SO far since you've owned him and he looks STUNNING. NOt just because hes naked (:P) but because of all the time and effort youve spent on him. You SHOULD be proud!!

  17. So sweet! Be proud, you both have made amazing strides together!

  18. Um, I think you are confused again. Your horse isn't all that little. And also, you guys are awesome. The end.

  19. <3 some horses are love at first sight, other relationships build over time. So glad you have Courage, and he's blessed to have you.

  20. This post is very heartwarming to me - thank you so much :)

  21. I'm belatedly playing catch up but couldn't not post to say how much I love this post.

  22. you are doing the thing that 99% of horse people don't...taking the time to do things right and see where you go form two rock!

  23. Awww! I'm glad you're finding your connection with him. In my opinion you two are perfect together! Love those pictures!
