
Tuesday, February 17, 2015


pictured: not novelties if you're a ho
Ok, well, I feel like we've all been good and serious for a while, but I'm feeling a tack ho post coming on. So instead of good advice and usefulness, let's look at something way more entertaining today.

If you had a couple hundred bucks to blow on horse stuff with no repercussions, what over the top novelty item would you buy?

I don't mean a nice list of things that are responsible and you intend to buy as your budget allows. No. Get crazy. Go nuts. What's that one thing you always admire in the catalog but could never convince yourself to actually spend money on?

I'll start. Mine is novelty stirrups. I can think of literally nothing that justifies spending $200+ to do a job that a boring ol' $20 fillis iron can do just as well, but OMG I WANT LORENZINI STIRRUPS.

I dunno why.

Your turn.


  1. I so thoroughly don't look at anything but the clearance sections of the major tack sites that I have no idea what I would do for this. I'm not even sure my brain knows how to daydream about this type of spending...I have no idea.

  2. I'm with Jen. Though, I think it would buy a pair of breeches for $300+ dollars. With glitter and fancy stitching and in some kind of deep iridescent blue/gray color.

    1. You know, Romfh makes almost this exact description of breech!! It's just not iridescent, but it DOES glitter. Subtly.

      I am also deficient in this part of my brain. I can't think of anything I would buy like this. I'm just too practical (hahah my boyfriend would disagree....)

  3. Hmmm, how about several 1000s on a saddle?? A de la coeur bonnet? Every saddle pad and half pad ever? Too many options!

  4. A custom or fancy high-end saddle. End of the most frustrating saddle search ever!

  5. Every single color of Ariat Olympia breeches, and an entire wardrobe of colorful saddle pads with matching bonnets!

  6. Matchy match outfits for the horse, from coolers, bonnets, saddle pads, polos, bridle charms, half pad...everything!

  7. ALL OF THE OGILVY PROFILE AND BABY PADS. All of them. In my custom colors.

    Coolers, too, to go with the saddle pads.

    A Walsh halter for Mo.

    Oh god, I have to stop, or I will get itchy ebay fingers.

  8. oh god, soooo many things haha. but if there's one thing that i'm not EVER likely to buy unless i've already bought everything else - it'd be one of those super fancy high-end cushy seat savers lol

  9. Custom Ogilvy half pad with every trim and monogram possible!

    Lots and lots of $$$??? Custom boots!

  10. I would get a DLC bonnet and matching Ogilvy baby pads... and more colored TS breeches... and more EIS shirts... I could continue.

  11. For my horse? I'm thinking the $130 Hermes polo wraps (set of two) or the $490 saddle pad. I love saddle pads. And a white $490 saddle pad around my horses...seems like a wonderful idea.
    As for me...Anything from the Gucci Equestrian line..Probably the $650 breeches. I know for a fact they would make me a better rider. But I'll never know, because I don't have $650 breeches to test my theory.

  12. FITS full seat, free-jump stirrups ($$400?!)

  13. do several thousands on a saddle or riding boots count??

    If not, FITS breeches and those crazy cool blue stirrups posted about a long time ago. Free jump I think

  14. Breeches with the gummy bum stuff. I think they're the FITS full seats?

  15. There are reasons for expensive stirrups. For me with two blown out knees I can't ride in anything but composite flex Royal Riders stirrups that cost over 200.

    1. I have the RR knock offs that cost $100 and like them well enough. I get that. It's just that the latest wave seems to only be style pieces without the interesting flexible functions. Soooo.... basically a $200 fillis iron.

      I don't know why I want this.

  16. Oh the irony! Just bought a pair if Jin stirrups! Praying they aren't a novelty and are worth the $$

  17. I have no idea what I would buy but I really really enjoyed reading the comments :D

  18. Since we are talking tack and not attire, I'm going to go with custom brow bands with REAL stones. Not beads or crystals or even Swarovski. I want a channel of emeralds set in the butteriest French leather imaginable. Amethyst and rubies alternating along a wave-shaped deep caramel leather brow band. DIAMONDS!

  19. Brown field boots! Don't know when I would wear them, but they are so beautiful!

  20. I still long for that dressage coat I tried on two years ago in the Netherlands - and I will probably get it this season ;) Tackwise, a new bit for Hafl is on the list - is his head still growing?! :D

  21. I want a saddle like the bull fighters use - not that I particularly like bull fighting, but the saddles are cool!

    And a McClellan cavalry saddle.

    Really, all the weird, pretty much not-practical-for-the-riding-I-do saddles.

    1. Ha!! I want a sidesaddle SO BAD. Have I ever ridden sidesaddle? No. I haven't the foggiest clue what I'd do with it, but WANTY.

    2. I want one of those too! I will probably fall off the horse and onto my face if I ever tried to ride in one, but I want it!

  22. I think I'm with Tori on the Samshield. Because I've pretty much already bought everything else.

  23. Custom saddles for the girls and me so we can be as comfortable as can be with this whole riding thing...

  24. I got so overstimulated trying to think of what I want... I may have a problem. But what immediately comes to mind... a completely custom dressage saddle that fits my awkwardly shaped horse, and everything that Back on Track makes, and everything I own to be monogrammed. Are custom tailored breeches a thing? Cause I would like those too.

  25. Does people tack count? Every style of Dubarry boot possible! I am in love with them! Let's add a Barbour coat too!

  26. There is a helmet at my local tack store that is priced at $995. It is covered in bling crystals.
    Do I need it? No. Can I afford it? No. Do I want it with every fiber of my being? Hell yes.

  27. Custom Mattes dressage pad. Come to me, you beautiful thing!

  28. I want a blingy, but not too blingy helmets. For shows. Like this one, in brown.

  29. Not answering your question, just justifying why I spent almost $200 on my MDC Classic stirrups: coming from the endurance world where stirrups are kind of a BIG DEAL, I was horrified by the classic fills style irons. They were way too narrow and did nothing to support my beginner status (old lady endurance rider/baby dressage rider). When I saw the MDC stirrups, I bought them without hesitating. The foot bed is wider, has a grip, and best of all, the eye for the leathers pivots to give your knees a break (no need to force the leathers to bend). I've been using them daily for more than 4 years and won't go back. :0)
