
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Deep Breath. Hello Horse.

this horse
After a schedule that looked like lesson Thursday, day off Friday, short ride Saturday, lesson Sunday, day off Monday, I was feeling really out of touch with Courage. I'm not used to having a lot of lessons and sometimes I just need to process and do homework and see how I feel and what my horse is saying.

Had the bodywork and careful rides eliminated the bolting or was he still feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? Or in pain? Or just being an asshole?

not perfect, but not bolting. I'll take it.
So I cancelled the lesson that was scheduled on Tuesday and just went out to ride on my own instead. Alyssa was slotted to come take lesson pics, and came out anyways when I told her it was off. Photographer friends are the best!

It wasn't an exciting ride and it wasn't our best work ever. We just slowed everything down and did a simple w/t/c both ways.

Yes canter to the right.

And guess what?

I had my horse back.

he can horse again
I feel a lot better now. Courage is very expressive about life and the little guy really does get to me. There wasn't a single whiff of the behaviors he was presenting before, which means we're ready to go back to work.

In fact, he was quiet enough that Alyssa got to hop on and take him for a little spin. I mean, she probably always could, but no one makes grabby hands over... well. You know. The stuff we were doing last week.

We have lots to work on and I'm glad we're ready to get back to it.

Though now I have to ask myself: sparkle dressage bridle or jump saddle lorenzinis????????

The struggle is real.


  1. How do you like the new stirrups?

  2. I dare you to use the sparkle dressage bridle with the lorenzinis. Double-dog dare you. ;)

  3. I believe the saying goes: "When it doubt, just add glitter". Obviously this means you need a sparkle dressage bridle. :-)

  4. Love hearing how great he feels! That trot pic is lovely. :)

  5. Well between the sparkle dressage bridle and the fancy jump saddle stirrups, I don't think you can make a bad decision. So at least there's that :)

  6. I was just discussing this! I actually need about 3 weeks between lessons to work it out on my own. I am not one of those people that can figure it out on the spot. I have to go home and fail at it a bunch of times before the lightbulb moment. Glad you took the time to work it out with him. (Of course the little guy gets to you. How could he not?)

  7. So glad he is back to his normal self and you had a good ride! My vote is to do both. Dressage bridle + jump saddle? I think it's fine. =P

  8. Wiz is the same way, too much pushing and he explodes. Sometimes I have to back off the lessons and just relax, take it slow. I'm glad you has a good reset day!

  9. Wiz is the same way, too much pushing and he explodes. Sometimes I have to back off the lessons and just relax, take it slow. I'm glad you has a good reset day!

  10. glad Courage is doing better! and sparkle all the way haha
