
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ultimate Trotting Picture Progression Post

IT'S HERE!!! I got really excited about progression pictures, so I went back to my beginning with Courage and took a trotting picture from each month to the present. 90% of these are pulled off the blog. I tried to get them as late in the month as possible. I wanted them to accurately represent where we were at, training-wise. None are taken while approaching poles/jumps and all of them feature me as rider or handler. Enjoy!
August 2013 - right off the track
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February  2014
March  2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
no trotting pictures in September so enjoy cute puppy
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015
February 2015
March 2015
April 2015
I realize that's a lot of pictures and I'd probably be better served by consolidating down to quarterly or something, but now that I've done the work to run down all these pictures, you get them all.

Besides. Look how far my little man has come!


  1. It's always fun to look at progression photos! You guys have come a long way.

  2. One of my favorite things about blogging! Anytime I get discouraged - it sure helps to be able to look back. Great job!!!

  3. Holy cow what a transformation! He looks like such a little tiny baby in 2013!!

    Nice work :)!!

  4. Man, he has transformed so much! He's looking amazing. Courage is my goals for my horse's trot. ;) Maybe I should show him pictures and tell him to do what Courage does.

  5. Wow I had forgotten about his cute short tail! And dang girl-I looooove how sporty he looks! Very impressive changes.

  6. Look at his neck grow! He's looking totally gorgeous :)

  7. Courage has come so far! Love looking at the progression photos. And there can never be too many photos of Courage.

  8. I can't believe how much he has changed. Plus, he is the best at trotting.

  9. He went from little to no connection and hollow to a forward, bold and balanced moving horse. Congrats on all the hard work and seeing it pay off. That's awesome!

  10. He does not even look like the same horse!

  11. Pretty damn awesome to see what time and proper work will do!

  12. The last four months especially show a HUGE difference!

  13. Wow...just amazing to see the progress in his whole way of going and muscle development! =)

  14. It's really remarkable! I so wish I had someone to take pictures like this each month. It's got to help to see that progression especially during those times when it doesn't feel like you aren't getting anywhere.

  15. That's really cool! He looks like he really turned a corner in Feb 2014 (oh THAT's what you want?) and the last 4 months he's gotten really soft in the bridle like he's using his back better. Nice work!

  16. Looking amazeballs girl - awesome progression lady ☺

  17. What I learned from this is that we need WAY MORE western Courage pictures!

  18. I snorted when I got to the puppy.

    Great progress photos. You guys rock!

  19. I'm glad you posted them all! I love them!! You've done a great job with him!

  20. Wow! The change in his musculature is incredible!

  21. I love this! I have such a hard time telling what horses will look like with sporthorse muscles while they're still track fit, so this was a lovely progression to study.
