
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9 Pictures to Capture the Clinic Experience

Don't worry--I'll include words so this isn't one of those god-awful wordless Wednesday posts I refuse to read.

Sweet Riding Warehouse swag from winning Olivia's contest. So excited to wear pink. Yes on my gelding. He's fabulous.
That's not what a hock is supposed to look like.
Sharing coffee with redheadlins for motivation.
lil Good Juju since we dressaged in the jump bridle as per instructions.
yeah can't wear pink polos with this. sob.
bright side: this noseband is to-die-for
workin' it in black BOT polos (all good pics by Alyssa)
pretty much my favorite pic right now
total clinic hangover in full effect on Tuesday
I feel like I should have something more brilliant to say, but mostly I'm like "lulz so since I'm too tired to think straight, I thought a good idea was to sign up for a schooling show on my onesies tonight." Yeah memorizing that new test is going to go GREAT. I can just tell.

Haha. Anyways. Wish us luck! The judge hates us, but at least maybe Courage doesn't know we're going, so we can skip a round of self-mutilation? I can only hope.


  1. I wish I was as good of a polo wrapper as you are! Mine always look like a fluffy mess.

  2. yay schooling shows! fingers crossed Courage doesn't find any new and exciting ways to *accessorize* himself beforehand!

  3. I may be there to take more pictures. Muahaha.

  4. Glad you got something out of the contest! Good luck at the show. I have a bunch of samples of Equifuse that I keep getting from a local rep who does endurance and puts products in the endurance goodie bags. I wish we were allowed to bathe. I only got to use it once when I went to the horse show and they were allowed baths.

  5. The judge does NOT hate you. I promise. :)

    1. Well. Hate overstated it perhaps, but that's where our least-generous scores come from.

  6. Have fun!! Courage is looking so darn shiny and muscular. =)
