
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Epic Pony Weekend: Dressage Time!

first level by spring? i think yes
My stated goal for this whole weekend shebang was to get epic dressage pictures (as epic as training level can be, anyways) in the field. Given that my saddle got sent away with the saddle fitter on Saturday, that seemed to be out the window.

Until Redheadlins lent us her fancy French thing. Oh my.

Courage warmed up quite nicely in the arena. I got to play with my imaginary show warm up a bit and see how he did with it.


best picture


No really. Whether it was me riding like a (training level) badass or the big, open field that let him roll forward, or the fact that he's really starting to get this dressage thing DOWN, I don't know. But it was great. Courage was balanced and listening and solid into the contact and it felt so good.

and this sweet twist in my shoulders. whoops.

I had a half halt off my seat, I had just enough weight in my hands. I was sitting up, intermittently looking up, and having a great time.

We rolled right up in to canter, which was just so fun. Up and down the little hill and all around the field and I wanted to play flying changes SO BAD, but I don't think training level dressage horses are supposed to do jumper changes.

Haha oh well.

I didn't know how the right lead would go, since it's been hit-and-miss lately, but it was fantastic. I should not have worried.

We made several lovely trip around the field while I grinned like a happy idiot, which I was.

Then Redheadlins recommended that Alyssa and I canter around the field side-by-side on our OTTBs while she photographed the aftermath.

I didn't hear that sinister note when she said it the first time... haha.

most fun on horseback
Anyways. Because why the hell not, Courage and Bacon cantered around the field (on the right lead no less) and it was ridiculous.

As in, you thought I had an idiot grin before? No. Now I had a whole new level of it. For about three strides, Courage asked if we were racing. When I said no, he just cantered like a perfect riding horse and OMG guys he is just so cool. And so is Bacon, but that's Alyssa's story.

love this shot of everyone. especially prisoner.

And yeah. Everyone needs solid pony friends and a perfect vacation barn, because that was way too much fun. Can't wait to do it again!


  1. Prisoner's face is amazing in that shot! Glad you ladies had a good weekend :)

  2. This sounds like the most fun weekend EVER!!

  3. Umm that sounds totally awesome and fun and I am so jealous (in a good way)! Glad you guys had so much fun!

  4. It was theeee funnest. Good ponies and good friends!

  5. You're a rockstar and so is Courage! Wish I could have been there!

  6. French saddles are magical. Obviously you need one. I know I do.

  7. Most epic pony weekend ever - courage looks phenom!!

  8. No reason not to do flying changes if you want to. A little practice now will save a lot of work later. The only warning....some horses find the changes so easy they start to offer them when you simply shift your weight. SO you need to be a much better balanced and focused rider when you are working on one lead at a time. My two TB's (trained to FEI, eventually) would do instant changes for any rider who couldn't quite figure out which seatbone to sit on. They really tested people. But it was cool when I had to do tempis because it was so easy. (never mastered the ones, but fours, threes and twos? A cinch)

  9. I know what you mean about resisting playing with changes! But I'll go against Jean and say that waiting is the best thing until you're sure you can get a clean change. Correcting an unclean change really sucks and the longer they sit with an unclean change, the harder it is to fix.

    You guys look AMAZING! What a fun weekend :)

  10. Courage's booty.... nice!!! =-)
