
Friday, September 4, 2015

Goal Achievement Unlocked: Oxers

this is now a non-event
One of my goals for this year (that I may or may not achieve) is to jump a 2'6" course at home including oxers. I probably should have broken this down into smaller goals, because there is one slight problem: I have major oxer phobia.

I've mentioned that I'm feeling much more confident on Courage in general and I'm pretty comfortable jumping anything that's 2' or under now and I've finally overcome my barrel phobia (now they're one of my favorite jumps!), but yeah. Oxers. It's worse if they're square but ascending is pretty bad too.

The good news is that since we actually have an over-fences comfort zone (this is new), there is a legitimate way to address this problem.

also exciting? GAME DAY
And that makes me excited.

You see, before everyone was all "EXPAND YOUR COMFORT ZONE" but like, when you don't have one? THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Ahem. So since a 2' vertical ain't no thang (and I won't let myself jump crossrails anymore), I set the world's most baby-est and tiny oxer. Literally one end is on the standard and the other end is on the cavaletti box.

Not gonna lie--I screwed up pretty bad the first time. Totally gunned him at it, then jumped way ahead AND hit him in the mouth, which is not awesome.

has opinions. isn't wrong.
But. Usually I ride better than that, so he was all "wtf" but didn't get mad (yay trust bank!) and we tried again. That time I didn't hit him in the mouth, but unfolded early and made him have a rail, which got me another "wtf" and a little leap on the backside.

I set it back up, got us combobulated, and talked another boarder into taking video of us.

For your viewing pleasure:

yup. love it.
I realize it's not the most exciting thing ever--I mean. It is literally me trotting a 2' oxer on a circle, but I'm really happy with what that means for us.

All this dressage is working.

Courage is getting stronger and learning how to use his body correctly.

I'm learning to give him the ride that he needs (H/J NOT event, kthxBAI).

We're building a stronger partnership.

We're one step closer to achieving a goal I set this spring.

I realize our steps look pathetically small to some people, but I'm ok with that. I'm not here to prove what an amazing badass I am or stroke my own ego. I'm here to prove to myself that I can do this and have fun at the same time.

I'm here to do right by my horse.

I'm here to be the best horseperson I can be, whatever that means on any given day. 

And yeah. I am pretty proud of us right now.



  1. Congrats on defeating your oxer phobia!! I love that you're not out to prove what an amazing bad ass you are or stroke your own ego, and want to be the best rider you can for Courage. I think that's the mindset we should all have for our horses.

    Also, your Boise State gameday attire makes me wanna grab some old gold and blue stuff for Roger in honor of my beloved Mountaineers :)

  2. Courage is a super cute jumper! You guys look balanced, relaxed and in rhythm. That is awesome!

    BTW is that a CWD breastplate? Because I covet those. I really, really want a bridge breastplate but can't find one I can afford :/

    1. Haha yeah, it's cwd and I loooooove it. But yes, wildly expensive, even used. Keep your eyes open! There are a couple brands that make them cheaper. :-)

  3. I freaking love your blatant " this is for me and one else" attitude! No reason to be sorry or feel like it is pathetically small. I mean we can't all have our hunters drugged for finals can we.... (too soon? ;) )

    1. Yeah I have sort of a giant ethical problem with drugging, so I guess I'll have to train right. OH SNAP.

  4. yay go team!! last summer i made a rule not to jump anything below 2' bc then 2' would look HUGE again - and i was working on exactly the same thing: building a comfort zone. it works tho - and Courage looks like he's having fun and handling the whole thing with ease :D

    1. It might be different if you have someone on the ground to set jumps for you, but when you ride on your own? Yeah. The 2' rule is helping me out a ton.

  5. Woohoo! Awesome! Color scheme on point as well :)

  6. Love the color coordination! Yay for achieving goals!

  7. I am really loving this game day look. You guys rock.

    1. I am debating if I love the galloping picture enough to be a new profile pic. MAYBE.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous: you unfortunately maxed out my bitch quotient before 8am. I'm happy to chat with you about stylistic differences between disciplines if you can do it civilly. Until then, keep it classy.

  9. Woohoo! He is such an awesome jumper, and you can really see the dressage come through- he jumps so round.

  10. Glad to hear, again, that the dressage is making a big difference in both you and Courage. A little at a time is the way to go. My 3'6" Ammy owner hunter horse and I jumped hundreds of little fences, creating all kinds of mental and gymnastic challenges on our way to the show ring. It made him one of the most confident and capable jumpers you'd ever want to sit astride. (We could and did jump higher now and then...sometimes 4'+ but all the same basics applied, as did the dressage flat work.) Don't think the horses made as big a fuss about the jumps as we do, actually.
