
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Oops I Shopped a Little

Spending isn't "locked down" per se right now, but I'm generally trying to make more good decisions than bad ones (which is also my diet plan HAHA yeah maybe not the best idea). Anyways. I started asking people for input on show clothes, which is partially a fantastic idea because y'all have some great points and also fantastic because it's fall clearance time.

Oh and also a stupid idea because of that last thing. Right?

first ever pair of new tall boots
I've been on a tall boots kick lately. I've worn my poor (used) Dehners into the ground this summer because my half chaps' zipper got mad about all the dust. I've really been enjoying them and I thought "hm maybe I should get new tall boots". I'm in no way ready for custom dress boots (no matter how beautiful they are) until Courage and I are at least confirmed 2nd level, so I just needed something basic and durable to get us from now until then. I think I'm probably two years out, if all goes well?

Anyways. Dover is having a fall sale and I was browsing whimsically and then Lauren was like GET THESE and sent me a link. $380 Mountain Horse tall boots with zippers in my (enormous) size for $170 shipped? (Props to Lauren for still talking to me after she and JenJ put the kibosh on the beauties at the top of the post and I pouted and called them dream crushers.)

You can't NOT do that.

So I did.

And that was good enough.

being a fatty ftw!
Except Lindsey was like "oh totes got a fab deal on half chaps at the SmartPak sale", so like an idiot genius tack ho linen collector, I got browsing over there and looking at show shirts. Some were on sale, but I wasn't wild about the pricing. Then I thought, "I bet Riding Warehouse would KILL them on pricing" and I skipped over there.

Guess what? They did.

Plus coupon code and free shipping.


The hemorrhaging of dolla billz must end now or my bank account will murder me in my sleep, but we've had a good run. Maybe, just maybe, next year I'll look respectable in the show ring. What a thought!


  1. Oooo my friend has those boots with the blue top and they are quite subtle!! I REALLY wanted the volants with the croc tops... but my ankles are too small. So you should DEFINITELY get them. As backups. ;)

  2. I will speak from personal experience and tell you that those Mountain Horse boots are AWESOME! I just retired mine after having them over 5 years and putting 1,000+ rides in them. The take little to no break-in time, and are super comfortable and elegant looking without the giant price tag.

    Hope you're as happy as I was!

  3. I have that exact shirt and I love it but it is quite see-through!

  4. I'm dying to buy a pair of the front zip Volants, but trying to be a grown up about spending. This entry isn't helping!

  5. I support/enable you in these decisions.

  6. I did budgets yesterday and am officially not allowed to spend any more monies for a while. SAD PANDA

  7. BUY ALL THE THINGS! That is Aimee's motto.

  8. meant to respond to the show shirt post and never did. Though it is probably too late since you spent all the monies already but my favorite shirt by far is the Romfh competitor. Long sleeve and can be worn year round is so breathable and the mesh on the arms is super soft. Not like some that is scratchy. And best of all colors! They have fun under colors.

  9. Shopping is good for you. Don't let anyone say different.

  10. What a good deal! I've heard that Volants are super comfy but i generally don't love the look of the foot for some reason.

  11. Totally necessary items!

  12. Just FYI, I ordered a pair of MH field boots a few years ago and the ankles were legit HUGE, like for some kind of giantess Queen of Cankles. I even have a semi-enlarged gnarly right ankle (giant metal plate and seven screws in there) and the ankle on the boot was way too big even for that fatty. Hope yours are better!

  13. I want the v sports real bad. Real bad.

  14. LOVE my Mountain Horse tall boots. Amazing price point for good quality boots. Now... I must check out some sales...
