
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This One Time, At Pony Camp...

Most. Adorable. Picture.
 I kept Courage at pony camp aka "our former barn that we dearly love" an extra day because in theory, ground poles aren't hard and we were going to squeeze in another ride with friends. Our fall weather is AMAZING right now, so we were taking advantage of it.

In practice, not so much. Courage and I were both pooped from the weekend. Plus one of our barn buddies wanted to set a jump shoot chute. Sorry failing at brain today.

Courage was actually jumping great--I've jumped him on the lunge a fair amount to help him learn to use his own body and then to reel him in when he gets mad and pisses off. None of that yesterday. Buuuuut there was the tiny issue of trying to bounce an oxer.
think bounce
cue general destruction
Yeah meant to do that
and that is why we don't bounce oxers, kids
 After that solid dose of heart failure, we dropped back to a cross rail and started over. Courage never even thought about refusing, though he definitely gave everything a lot of space.
you'll note the bar across the top of the oxer...
and over
Did I mention he jumped every fence out of a lazy jog trot? I'd post a video for you, but my phone was all NA NA NA NA NA NOPE.


  1. Oh man! I can say with authority that I've never seen a horse try to bounce an oxer until now.

  2. Promise once took cavaletti set at her canter stride as an oxer, with me was on her, lol. I totally understand this heart failure! I bet he'll be even more careful from now on, and he's looking great!

    1. We quit doing gymnastics after Courage jumped a vertical and the 12' placing pole after it multiple times in a row.

  3. omg i'd have a heart attack too! silly horse...

  4. I love this. Courage is really special - in the "special" way and the Special way.

  5. Poor Papa. Hims was confused. But hims was also so sexy.

  6. That last photo. Gorgeous! Fanning myself here!

  7. Omg, lol. That's the shortest bounce ever!

  8. Holy SHIT that last photo. #sosexy

    I've had a horse bounce a two stride once, while I was riding. I'd say it was my fault, but I'm pretty sure it was 100% the horse's idea. We made it, though I almost fell off. Moral of this story? Only bounce when it's actually a bounce.

    1. Haha. I've seen it done, but haven't had to ride through it. There's a reason Courage doesn't do gymnastics anymore and free jumps a lot. ;-)

  9. Haha, WHOOPS! Bounce fail. Or oxer fail? Hard to say... but I love that last picture of him!

  10. I love his ears in that sequence. "Something has gone wrong here." He more than made up for it!

  11. Haha that's pretty great. I've bounced a few one strides....

  12. Oh man, poor him and you! The last pic is lovely :)
