
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Teach Me Tuesday: Irrational Fears

Due to riding in the miserable cold lately, I've been making excellent use of my fantastic quarter sheet. I put it on the same way every time, which got me wondering. There are two ways to use a quarter sheet. I ALWAYS put it under the saddle (the second pic was taken FOR this post and I DID NOT ride with it like that.)
I have this bizarre quarter sheet phobia that if I put it over my legs, somehow it will transition from "harmless" to "DEATH CAPE" and I don't know, Courage will take off with me and the cape will get tangled up on... something.. and wanton death and destruction will ensue.

Even though I rationally know the horse wears a blanket all day, plays in the field with it, and has no problems. And he's NEVER adversely reacted to a quarter sheet. And I would be warmer with it over my legs. I can't explain it. The concept just terrifies me for LITERALLY NO REASON.

So uh. Who else has a totally irrational horse-y fear? I can't be the only one, right?


  1. When I'm riding in the ring, I put it under the saddle. When I'm riding outside, it's over my legs. Completely untenable otherwise. But I always ride in a quarter sheet that has velcro over the withers so that it can be ripped off if necessary.

    I feel the same way you do about Western saddles, though. They make me feel trapped and panicky, not secure.

  2. ha irrational fears... where to even start? i have so many...

  3. Letting go of the reins. Ever. I can ride on the buckle with no contact whatsoever, or one-handed, and be FINE, but I cannot let those suckers out of my hands or else it's full-blown-panic-attack time!

  4. Not a fear, just a preference...I've ridden with the quarter sheet over my legs in near-death-temps (which in NC translates to anything below freezing).. but I've found the horse's movement pulls the sheet back and it doesn't stay in place.. Putting it under the saddle works for me though!

  5. Before I got Promise, I leased a TB jumper for a year or 2. I trusted him completely, and after a tough lesson, would often drop my stirrups and walk on a loose rein. One night, while cooling out this way, I sneezed, and he spooked. I managed to stay on somehow, but after that I only drop my stirrups OR walk on a loose rein, never both!

  6. I had mine over my legs on a trail ride over the weekend and the mare I was riding with spooked, ran into Bobby, and somehow got her tail wrapped up in it and ripped it off where it then got tangled in her back legs. So perhaps it's not a totally irrational fear. Just don't ride with stupid mares.

  7. Ha - you're singing to the choir!

  8. I have an irrational fear that any time a person that I know outside of horses is there to watch me ride, I will fail epically and break something.

    Technically, though, this isn't irrational. The one time a non-horse person came out to watch me (and it was my mom, so double jinx there), my horse decided to be a git and did a naughty, massive sideways teleport spook. Normally I sit her spooks without any problem, but it was completely unexpected, she was more committed to spooking than usual, and my balance was not right in that moment. So I did not save it like a boss, nor was I able to emergency dismount like somebody who knows what they're doing. And my mom got to see. Sigh.

  9. I often have irrational fears that I've broken my horse beyond repair.

  10. Irrational fears - so many... Quarter sheets are high on my list.

    My main fear is stirrup related. I had a spectacular train wreck as a youngster, where the horse bolted, my foot got caught and I was dragged, something (a hoof) hit my (helmeted) head and knocked me out, and my back was screwed up for years. As a result I generally feel more comfortable bareback... not always a practical choice.

  11. I put the quarter sheet under the saddle too, for the same reason. The consequence seems too dire to risk.

    I am trying to think of the irrational fears I have ... Random poky bits in fences and stalls. Yes, they've been there for years and nobody has gotten hurt, but just wait until my horse gets there! Oh, and riding in a pasture with loose horses in it. I think that is a god awfully terrible idea, but a few people have pooh-poohed me as too timid. Again, consequences are way too fire to risk it, even if you DID do it all the time as a kid!

  12. I have an irrational fear that I'm going to ruin my horse. I've trained several horses (western) from the ground up and ride in lessons regularly. Not to mention any bad habit I create will be mine to fix. I'm still terrified that I will ruin him.

  13. I have JenJ's fear- every time my horse looks slightly less than perfect, I will project all of my fear of lameness on him. I think that I've thought that TC was lame about 19,348 times in the last year.

    I get weirded out about walking behind other peoples' horses. I haven't been kicked badly ever, but for some reason I get really paranoid about it. Like I'll stand right behind TC, who has kicked at me several times due to boots (not on purpose), but I cautiously tip toe around some 35 year old pony. So dumb.

  14. Hail the Death Cape! I have the same irrational fear.

  15. Right now for some unknown and stupider than all shit reason, I have this fear of cantering on my one mare. I know someone else has done it before and hell, we've even trotted over crossrails landing in a bouncy canter for a few strides on the other side. She's even gotten jiggy with it, feeling all proud of her bad ass self and I've ridden it out with no issue, but for some reason actually asking her to canter is a huge hang up right now. WTF???

    Quarter sheets? If it's cold enough for that- it's too damn cold to be riding. Bring on the heat and we're good to go.

  16. Getting my foot caught in the stirrups. Trainers have to yell at me to get it on the ball of my foot if I'm nervous, since I'll wiggle it out to my toes. If I'm afraid, I drop my stirrups. It freaks people out. My horse starts to spin or act up, I immediately drop my stirrups.

  17. I am terrified of getting my foot caught in the stirrup. So if I am riding a greenie or out in the field where chances are high of shenanigans, I prefer to drop my stirrups to ride.

  18. Riding in an arena or pasture with loose horses. My current barn has the really old and lame horses out in the outdoor arena field and even though those 30+ year old geldings couldn't stir up trouble even if they wanted to I won't ride out there.

  19. I don't believe in irrational fears with horses you can dream it they can do it anything is possible! Lol!

    1. Whoops should say if you can dream it...nursing and auto dictating with my iPhone multitasking for the win

  20. OMG I have so many. But I think my biggest one is that there can be no dogs near the arena if I am jumping. Becuase I KNOW when is going to run behind the jump and I am going to land on it. It's so ridiculous.

    1. This actually happened to me once. Luckily for the stupid dog, my horse cleared him, too. He nearly wet himself.

  21. Great post idea! My irrational fear is that I'll have the same type of fall I experienced 20 years ago and I'll break my nose again--whilst simply cantering to the right.

    1. What is it about cantering to the right. It's hard.
