
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Project Selfie

I'll be the first to loudly proclaim admit that I'm anti-selfie. My general opinion of them is that they're taken by people who have no friends to take pictures for them.


One of my favorite pictures of all time is this shot from last year:

 And you know what? What I love the most about this shot is that we're ALL in it--no one standing back to take the picture.

So we're doing something new this year: barn selfies. I'll keep a collection of all the wonderful people that make the barn special complete with Courage's silly face. Here's what I've got this year (and one from Christmas Eve, but it counts!!)
just us
old friends in new places
plus redheadlins and horselessinhalifax
 So far, I really love this. :-)


  1. I always feel like selfies give me a double chin, so I stay away from them at all costs. Actually, I stay away from most pictures of me...

    1. I don't disagree with you there--it's not the most flattering way to appear and I'm definitely partial to flattering photos.

      But it's a part of trying to embrace who I am and the way my friends see me and be happy with myself instead of hide behind a carefully manicured image. :-)

      I don't have the body type to be movie-star good looking and I never well. Everyone has the body type to be happy and treasure their friends. I'd rather embrace that.

  2. Totally doing a selfie giveaway once I decide what to giveaway. The less flattering the selfie, the more I love them.

  3. I can't recall the last selfie I took and could probably count them all on one hand. But I do think that group selfies are different than just yourself selfie and love the idea of having everyone in the picture.

  4. I love this idea! So sweet, and such a fun way to get pictures of your favorite people!

  5. ha adorable. esp considering i'm so utterly hopelessly terrible at trying to get a decent horse/rider selfie lol (not that it stops me from trying!)

  6. I love C-rage's smile in the last photo, fab selfies ☺☺☺☺

  7. The only selfies I really have are the ones you took ;)

  8. I'm opposed to bathroom mirror selfies or accounts with nothing but selfies, but selfies with a horse or pretty scenery if you are alone, or group selfies really don't bother me. Love your idea for the year, it will be a fun project!

    1. I'm like this. Bathroom selfies are grounds for a friend divorce. But I think the reverse camera thingy on phones is the best thing ever, because I use it as a mirror 99% of the time.

  9. I feel ya. Selfies are more fun with horse, plus Cosmo is pretty fantastic at selfies.

  10. Love, love, love all the shots of the musketeers! I have a collection of them to assist when I am feeling a bit homesick! Wanting to do more horsey selfies with all of you while I am here!! <3 <3 <3
