
Friday, March 18, 2016

Deep Ass Soreness

Riding horses makes non-riders sore. Riding horses in new ways makes even horse-riding-people sore.
But you'd think after this long of being a pretend-DQ and sort of turning into a real-DQ, I'd be over that, right?


My position is nowhere near perfect. I know it's getting better though, because when I get off now I have this super-weird deep ass soreness. Not slightly sore thighs like "o hai haven't done this in a while" or the calf/quad soreness of "GODDAMN i forgot how much strength jump riders have".

It's deeper and subtler than that. It's soreness in places I didn't know muscles existed. Like hip sockets. I thought those were bones or something (yeah yeah i win science), but no. They can get sore. So can other things I don't even have names for. It sneaks up on you too--like everything is fine and then you bend over or do something SLIGHTLY different and BAM it hurts super bad. 

But it does mean things are changing and change is good.

So I guess it hurts so good.

(you see what I did there. not apologizing.) 


  1. ughhh relatable.... i definitely don't love walking around like a crippled old lady after a particularly arduous ride tho lol

  2. Yes! There are tons of magical muscles in my butt/hips that I don't utilize enough but when I do my position is soooo much better

  3. Y.O.G.A. Hate it. Do it. Call me and tell me about how you did it. #yogarequiresaccountability #causeitblows #helpstho

  4. After jumping for the first time in forever, I had to actually use two hands to pick up my left leg. Putting on pants has never been so hard. Yeah- that's embarrassing!

  5. I read the title and I thought you meant your ass was sore haha.

    I don't do enough regular physical activity so whenever I do it's: everything hurts and I'm dying. Ugh.

  6. He he, yes, dressage is a champion at discovering new muscles!

  7. Oh wow I feel you on this SO MUCH. Dressage = masochism. I'm pretty sure at this point that if it doesn't hurt, you're doing it wrong.

  8. I'm with Austen. Yoga FTW. Sucks but damn it helps.

  9. I had that too. It felt like I got punched in teh ass cheek.

  10. Oh, man, I remember that through the hips. I didn't sleep right for weeks when my leg position was first rearranged. I had to get a body pillow, learn to sleep on my side with it between my knees, and take Advil before bed to sleep.

  11. And now that song is stuck in my head...

  12. Laughing at the title of this one. I agree though, normally soreness in a new place is a good thing haha

  13. Oh yeah the ole hip socket muscle soreness I literally feel your pain
