
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Teach Me Tuesday: Breeches and Grip

Here's a funny thing: two different trainers I've worked with have informed me they only ride in kneepatch breeches (one eventer, one dressage). Specifically, they don't want their seat to stick to the saddle in case they need to move around.
re using this shit cuz i'm not retaking a mirror selfie
I'm not really one to make choices based on what my trainers ride in. I mean, I'm not a pro, I don't ride 10 horses a day, and I'll definitely take whatever advantage I can get.

But I'm trying to change a very-confirmed jumper seat to a somewhat ok dressage seat and guess what?
just me and my shadow. and my horse. and photographer. etc.
I totally can't do it in full seat breeches. They stick me to the saddle (even a slick english-made saddle) and then when I'm out of position, I can't get back to where I want to be.

So what's it for you? Knee patch? Full seat? Riding tights? Leggings? Jeans?


  1. TBH I've never noticed a difference in my seat between full seats and knee I just alternate between them. I like the looks of full seat breeches for shows, so that is what I have. I don't find that they effect me differently in any way.

  2. I don't really notice a huge difference or inability to stick my butt where I want it either way! On cold days when my saddle feels slippery or I think the pony will be 'up' I like the false security of full seats, but otherwise I don't really have a strong preference. I buy and wear what's pretty and fits well, full seat or knee patch. I used to ride in jeans and half chaps occasionally before I bought a saddle with a calf seat, but the marks the seams make on it horrified me into wearing breeches only.

  3. Full seat for dressage, knee patch for jumping. Tried to compete and do all three phases last year in full seats, and ROASTED. I do love the FS for dressage though :)

  4. Much prefer knee patch. I only liked the full seats when I had a super slippery dressage saddle. Otherwise I feel way too stuck.

  5. Knee patch forever and always. I don't think I've ever even tried on a pair of full seats, but you don't typically see them much in Jumperland ;)

  6. Depends on the breeches and the weather and what the F/S is made of. My Kerrits knee patch tights are pretty slick, but if it's 100+ degrees I'm going for the minimalist approach. FITS have deerskin panels that are surprisingly sticky but also breathe, so I like those too (but only for shows). I tried a pair of Euro pebble grip breeches and found those to be TOO sticky... like my breeches stuck to the saddle even when posting. That was awkward. Currently trying a pair of Pikeurs with sticky stuff in the seat area - I'm hoping they have the grip of F/S but since they are fabric, won't be so hot. We'll see.

  7. I dislike full seats for the same reason...I hate not being able to move around.

  8. Full seat, all the way. The only time I have a problem getting stuck in the wrong place is in the medium trot/canter when I get thrown everywhere. Otherwise it's a good reminder for me to not move my butt, but instead my hips/abs.

    I also love them for trail rides. When I don't feel secure in my seat, I pinch with my knees (I have "not coming off this ride" syndrome).

    1. See, I pretty much live in the wrong place, so on those rare moments when I'm like "hey maybe I should get in the right place", I can't.

    2. I try to put my butt in the right place right away. Then never move it. #protip #obviously #totallyeasy #stopcrying #whyareyoucrying #stophittingme

      See also #buttchafing

    3. My butt has a mind of it's own. Wish that mind was like "DRESSAGE SEAT BE PERFECT" instead of like "let's just sit crooked and fail for a while".

  9. I always wore knee patch until a show that distinctly stands out in my memory- I needed to sit the trot and I could not for the life of me stick myself to my saddle. I was sliding around like crazy and Mikey seemed to find a new gear of bounce. Trainer asked, "Full seat?" and I had to say no... I went out an got a pair after that. I love my full seats- it's the only thing I ride in now. I find all brands of full seat except FITs constrictive, even just standing around. I've never had a problem moving around or jumping in them (I am careful about the amount of leather balsam I put on my saddle though- sometimes I do find that too sticky).

  10. I typically prefer knee patch. Now that I'm
    Back in HJ land that's all I wear.

    When I was in eventer land I was wearing fits for a few years but in the end they started running me really badly and I switched back to TS.

  11. I have a combo and I haven't had a sliding problem in the knee patch. I have had the sticking problem in the full seats when I first got them. I haven't had it recently but who knows. It might be humidity dependent or something and I've been avoiding them in high humidity because no one likes swamp butt.

  12. I prefer knee patch. I have the same problem as you in that I have to constantly adjust my position and that's harder in full seats. The seam in the derriere region of full seats also feels awkward to me.

    That said, I've also been known to ride in jeans, sweats, leggings, or even dress pants if I'm stuck at work late and don't have time to change =P

  13. Knee patch. Always. Never even owned another pair.

  14. I still have a few knee patch Tailoreds that are so comfy I still ride in them all the time. I wish TS would make their side zip schooling breeches in full seat because they have lasted me for years and are super comfortable, and I do prefer full seats these days.

  15. I love the stickyseat brand pants I got from riding warehouse. They have a fullseat pattern in little silicon dots and are grippy without being TOO grippy and way cooler in summer than regular full seats.

  16. I haven't had a knee patch breech on in probably 12 years. Except when L put me in a pair at Dover to dress me up as a hunter rider.

    I've never felt so stuck I can't change my position if needed. I tend not to need to move my seat once as it gets locked into place though.

  17. Knee patch (or tights, but my tights had patches, too). Never felt like I could really get down into the saddle with full seats on, and rode athletic enough horses that if they wanted me off, a little suede was not going to make or break anything.

  18. I haven't noticed much of a difference in stickability with my full seats. I have noticed they make me feel like I' wearing a diaper which isn't the coolest thing.

  19. I really liked wearing full seats and riding in Lindsey's dressage saddle. I felt like I was still able to move around, but not like a slip n' slide like I usually feel.

  20. Knee patch when I'm training.
    Tights for endurance.

  21. i used to love full seat breeches. then i dont know what happened but now whenever i wear them i HATE how much i feel like i can't move. i might be able to jump in them but forget about flatwork. i just feel stuck.

    maybe im not good enough to work them out like a GP rider yet :P

  22. I used to legit ride in walmart leggings when I lived in MO and only put real pants on when I showed. Now, I board at a fancy pants barn and maybe shouldn't look like a street rat, so I wear real riding pants. Generally Piper full seats. They give juuuuust enough grip that on my bronc I feel secure, but not too much that I stick. On XC (whenever I get around to doing that again)I prefer extremely sticky seat. B is very bouncy huge mover and I won't lie, full seats help.

  23. I only wear knee patch. I think full seats are pretty but they seem to hot and like they might be heavy?

  24. Its really interesting to see everyone's preferences and reasons. I rarely like the full seat breeches and buy knee patch only ones. Having been given a pair of full seat breeches recently I'm giving them a chance. The material is not suede or sticky though & so far I'm liking them!

  25. I typically ride in FSs, but either works. With modern fabrics, I don't think that it's hard to find FSs that are flexible, stretchy, not bulky, and breathable. It obviously depends on the brand, but it's pretty easy to find comfy full seats for me.

  26. I prefer knee patch or dressage patch. The full seats are a bit too much.

  27. i was kinda doin it wrong all last year - schooling everything in full seats, but then competing the jumping phases in knee patch (bc that one pair of pants was the perfect color to go with my brown boots #vanityoverfunction). never really had any "oh shit" moments, but all the same was eager to find a pair of FS pants to serve as my competition go-tos this year

  28. I'll be the weird one out saying that I've never in my life felt comfortable in anything other than full seats... not even when jumping or going XC. No idea why though, but I just hate the feeling of sitting on ice with kneepatch only britches!

  29. I was always under the impression that the patches and seats were to prevent rubbing, not to make you stick in the saddle. When you're sitting the trot, you need full seats to protect your delicate areas, otherwise you're going to end up with some extremely unpleasant chafing. I frequently ride in jeans, and don't really notice a difference in stickability between jeans and full seats. I do notice a HUGE difference in the comfort of my nether regions if I do a lot of sitting in my jeans.

    1. I've never heard thisbefore, but it's interesting. I'm definitely less prone to rubs in full seats... Hm.

  30. I used to be anti-full seat. People kept trying to convert me and I'd fuss because they used to be uncomfortable and I hated feeling stuck. I'm dating myself a bit, but when I first wore them, stretch full seats weren't a thing. It was real leather or suede on my tush. Now I'm being coaxed back into using them. My Piper full seats are comfortable and flattering enough that I don't mind them. I need the extra stick for when Theo is being a big mover. I've been told that it's a matter of mass, I'm too light to avoid some sliding when he gets powerful. I've also found them invaluable going cross country. Calf skin saddle + full seats = glue. They're an acquired taste, but they seem to help as I sit more.
