
Monday, April 11, 2016

Introduce Yourself

I tend to get stuck in a blogging rut--I read the blogs I read and write for the people I know, and don't always have the time to go exploring on new blogs and find new people. Since I suspect I am not unique in that respect, let's take a day to get acquainted.

I'm the SprinklerBandit.

Courage is my 11 year old OTTB gelding (Lord Carson x Lori Gail (Explosive Bid).
We've been together almost three years.

Together, we're working towards our Bronze medal in dressage.

One thing you wouldn't expect about us is that we actually have no expertise with pressurized irrigation.

My blog is at (obviously).
and this is the precious
I love meeting new people and refreshing my knowledge of old ones! Jump in and introduce yourself. I'd love to find some new blogs to read and hopefully meet some new people, or at least learn some unexpected facts about the ones I already know. ;-)


  1. I'm Lindsey (redheadlins) and I have a rotating lineup of OTTBs. Prisoner is concentrating on dressage these days and Slider is new and learning about life as a sporthorse and is also my RRP Thoroughbred Makeover horse. Check out our adventures at Pink and sparkles for life yo!

  2. I'm Teresa (T) from the west coast of BC and I have two welsh cob mares we're just getting started eventing and dressage.

  3. Hi! I'm Abby! Always a reader, and sometimes a commenter :) I blog at (formerly The Maggie Memoirs) I've been stupid busy lately and haven't been blogging a ton, but still reading other blogs! I have a 8 yr old 14 hh arab X mustang and my goal is to do BN eventing with her. I've been loving seeing Courage's dressage progress!!

  4. I am Rhiannon and I own Dexter, a sometimes black 7 year old Appendix QH gelding. He was only broke just under two years ago. I am a 20 something (for another year plus anyway) with some fear and anxiety issues. Dexter has no specific skill set, but is an all around good boy. I got lucky because he just has a good brain. I used to be a hunter princess, but Dexter has a back that is not typically shaped for English saddles off the rack, so we ride western. Sometimes we venture to schooling shows, mostly we putz around at home. My blog can be found at:

  5. I'm Tracy, and I write Fly On Over ( about my adventures as an adult amateur hunter with my 9 year old Thoroughbred gelding, Miles, and my half-lease Moiya, a 17 year old Thoroughbred mare.

  6. I am Teresa (TeresaA)- I live in rural Nova Scotia (east coast canada). My blog is Journey with a Dancing horse I started it when I bought a yearling Andalusian back in 2012. I lost him in 2014 but started again with a young Andalusian mare.

  7. I'm Amanda and I live in Texas where I teach lessons and event. My blog ( focuses on the development of Jellybean, who I bought as a long yearling. I also write about training some of my other projects, and other horsey adventures.

  8. I'm Alli, a hunter-princess-turned eventer and my blog PONY'TUDE ( is all about the adventures, trials, and tribulations of my German Riding Pony, Dino and I. We do lots of fun things like embarrass ourselves in clinics, trail ride with friends, and attempt to run BN without dying. It's a good time.

  9. My name is Erin, I'm an adult ammie from Ontario Canada. I blog at
    My horse Tucker is a 12yr old bottomless pit... I mean draftx. Together we compete as hunters on the trillium circuit and have started to dabble in dressage.

  10. Two random side notes. One your puppy pictures make my day because they are adorable. Two this post is awesome and I'm bookmarking it.

    My blog is about my journey with my coming 7 year old saddlebred that I have had for just over a year. We mostly play with dressage and I hope to dabble in low level eventing with him. I've been learning about jumping with a 7 year old OTTB that is owned by the farm. I'm slowly becoming a tack ho and learning what it is like being a neurotic adult amateur.

  11. Once upon a time I blogged at Simply Horse Crazy but after I became a full time student and decided to pursue a career in vet med, I sold my (beloved) mare. Now, I ramble about various things at

    Not just horses anymore, but many different aspects of my life :)

  12. Cool idea! I am Kate...blogged for about 3 years, but don't have a blog currently for no reason other than I was getting bored with my own content ;). Live in So Cal and own a 6 year old unraced TB named Felix who does the hunters when we can afford it. Follow me on Instagram at Elizabuggy.

  13. I am Golden the Pony Girl (Molly) I recently lost my wonderful Bodhi I blogged about him on I now have three horses. I guess that is the exchange rate these days. One amazing horse = three regrettable equine decisions. We are now the proud parents of two untrained rescues and one well trained, but lame and neurotic, warmblood on lease. I am just starting to blog about our new adventures on our tiny farm here

  14. I'm Emily of Wilbur, Ellie, and Emily (! I've actually been blogging since my husband and I moved from the midwest to Northern California in 2006 ( and when I bought Wilbur I knew I wanted to start a horse blog (modeled after your and a few others I'd been following). Love reading everyone's blogs and the community of folks here!

  15. I'm Fig, and I blog at about endurance and trail ride shenanigans with my Haflinger. Occasionally we dabble with riding in the arena and looking like we're both clueless lunatics, despite the fact that both the pony and I are former low-level hunter/jumper competitors.

  16. I'm Carey at Me Jump Pretty One Day I have an awesome old man jumper horse, Cosmo, who is as amazing as he is gross. We show in the jumpers whenever adulting expenses don't get in the way. And some days, we even jump pretty.

  17. I'm Kate from and own three horses. One azteca/champion lesson horse, one ottb who doesn't really know what he wants to do, and one oldenburg jumper. I write sometimes about shows, sometimes about my lessons, sometimes about how I think about training my clients, and sometimes about other things.

  18. I'm Christa, been reading for a while! I have a welsh cross pony (Frosty) and recently off the track TB (Chester). I write about trail riding my horses and daily happenings around my small farm.

  19. I love this idea!
    I'm Katlyn and my pony is a seven year old Haflinger cross named Katai. I ride dressage and will be showing for the first time this year. My blog is Stubborn Together (

    1. How did I not realize that Katai is a Haffie cross?! I see now that it says that in your sidebar, but I kept thinking she was some sort of warmblood-pony cross. Oops.

    2. It's really tough to tell actually so I'm not surprised you didn't notice. There are actually two Haflingers at my barn and their owner still doesn't believe me that Katai is a haffy cross.

  20. I'm Sarah, and I am craaaaaap at blogging, so I'm mostly just a reader.

    As of... um... just over five months ago, I am now the proud owner of an untrained 11 year old Stonewall Sporthorse mare and a 9 month old Sugarbush Draft ( colt, because my barn friends are enablers. Current goals include getting my girl under saddle and getting the boy past the "oh god, when I left last weekend you were baby-shaped and now you look like Frankenstein's monster drew you with crayon" growth stage. Future goals are all English riding (dressage, maybe a little jumping or eventing), although we'll probably have a Western saddle around for the hubby.

  21. Hi, I'm SarahO. I've been blog reader for a few years, but just started my own blog, Autonomous Dressage at the beginning of this year. Kachina is my 13 year old grade pinto mare who I've had for a year and a half. Dressage is our focus. We are showing Training level this year and hope to work up at least a few of the levels. We also play around with trail riding, cowboy challenge, occasional cow herding, and working towards becoming part of a mounted search and rescue team.

  22. Hi :) I'm Sara and my mare is Gem. We have been together for 6 years. I do endurance with her. We will be doing our first 100 mile race next month!! I try to blog frequently about our exploits in endurance, hunter paces and life in general. You can find us at

  23. I am appydoesdressage and I am a new PA resident. I now have only 2 horses, both appys, and am bringing the mare into eventing. And other shenanigans. Mostly a reader of over 50 blogs, trying to comment more though.

  24. I'm a weirdo who puts the lotion on its skin.

  25. I'm Abby and am an avid blog reader (working on setting up my own blog!) I live in VA (I also spend a few months in Wellington) on a farm. I play polo and do the AO jumpers on my horses, Leila and Charlie. You can follow me on Instagram @aadams89

  26. I'm Emma and I lease a game Arabian mare who loves to event (even if I frequently struggle with nerves). I'm also an admitted lesson and media junkie and my blog is essentially a photo album plastered with nitty gritty lesson recaps. Http://

  27. I'm Terri and I'm an addict. I have 6 horses. I have a 20 year old retired 1/2 blind probably Appendix, a 20 year old retired TB hunter/jumper, a 10 year old Mustang, a 3 year old Arab-paint, a 3 year old Kiger Mustang and a 4 year old mini because, why the hell not. I ride endurance with the 10 year old Mustang and am just getting the 3 year old Kiger under saddle. I don't blog but I love reading the exploits of others because I learn so much! I live in Central Texas and turned 50 last year.

  28. I'm Holly formerly of Hey, Hey Holls which came to a close last summer. I'm currently a (nearly-graduated) graduate student in NC. I grew up showing AQHA/APHA with my mare Lucy in the all-around events, rode some hunters in undergrad and leased a hunter and dressage horse at different times throughout grad school. Lucy is retired to my parent's house along with her pet donkey where my mom trail rides her and I force her to do dumb things like carry me around bareback and backwards the three times a year I go home. Currently horseless (and therefore blogless) as I transition into the real world, but I'm funny on twitter (@heyheyholls) and sometimes I have good photos on Instagram (also @heyheyholls).

  29. Hello! I'm a new reader of yours but I love you blog.
    I'm Bella and I own a 8 year old OTTB named Calvin. He's still green, but we're working towards becoming hunter/jumpers. I don't blog often, but my Instagram (@chroniclesofcalvin) is kept pretty up to date.

  30. The name is Cathryn and I own two horses; a 23 year old ornery red AQHA mare, and a 6 year old shit-head mini gelding. My blog is :)

  31. I'm Olivia and I do dressage, eventing, and endurance with a palomino mule.

  32. "Explosive" Bid. It makes so much sense now. ;)

    I'm Austen. I write about my own explosive thoroughbred and our dressage journey at Guinness on Tap. Brace yourself for occasional cameos by my siberian huskies, gratuitous photos of a shiny red horse, and lots of clinics write ups. It's what I do.

  33. Hi, I'm Ashley. I've been blogging off and on forever, and just came home to blogger ( after some time on Wordpress. I mostly blog about my sometimes-feral 6 year old mutt, who sometimes can horse long enough to show lover level eventing and hopefully dressage, but often feature my retired OTTB and my (adorable) pup. I try to post and be interesting, but mostly I just read other people's blogs and accidentally refer to them as my friends in passing conversation with others. Whoops.

  34. I'm Heather, and I've been blogging for almost a year about the OTTB I've worked with (and recently bought) since he came off the track about 4 years ago and my adventures as a newly graduated "adult." Unlike a lot of the blogosphere, I am a Hunter/Jumper rider, and I love reading all of these different blogs with all of their different ideas and journeys that in turn give me plenty of ideas for my own journey with my little race car of a horse.
    Get to know us at

  35. I'm Megan and try to blog about my haflinger Max, whom I've had for almost 3 years. Our goals are simply to trail ride, but like everything else in life, it's not so simple. Lately I've been doing more blogging about how I'm not riding due to life.

  36. Uh, thanks for doing this, I just picked up like 40 new blogs to read :)

    I'm Gingham, and am just starting to feel competent again with Mr. Magic Pants (aka Windsor). Someday I hope we do really, really exciting Huntery things together, but at least he's cute so the boring stuff is still decent to blog about :)

    Also, I'd change the name of but that is way beyond my tech scope..

  37. I'm Sand, from Manitoba MoonSox ( and I've been following along on your adventures for a few years now :) Time flies!! Moon is my almost 17 (!) year old AQHA QH gelding, and we started blogging because he was my first horse! The years have passed, we trained, showed and stopped blogging for a bit. But he's moving home next month and we're on a new adventure! So it's back to the blogging world for us!!

  38. Such a great idea!

    I'm Genny, and I blog over at I am a hunter/jumper rider who just recently sold my mare and am on the hunt for whatever is next!

  39. This is a great idea and I just picked up a ton more blogs to read. I'm KC and I blog about training my young OTTB to event at Looking forward to reading more blogs!

  40. I'm Liz. ( I have an Arab (Q) and an Arab X (Griffin). The former is my endurance horse and the latter is my do-anything horse that I've trained since he was a yearling. With luck from the gods of the Universe, I hope to finally pursue some formal dressage and jumping lessons this year on Griffin with hopes of participating in our first competitions in the fall. Q has successfully completed multiple 50 mile endurance rides and we hope to move up to 100 milers this year. In addition to my horse pursuits, I occasionally share the adventures of my Siberian (Kenai) and my outdoors pursuits (rock climbing, mountain biking, etc.) in West Virginia.
