
Monday, May 2, 2016

Kiss Your Bum Goodbye

someone looks optimistic
I rolled the dice and mailed an entry for Courage and I do do first level. Together. In public.

At a schooling show, but it counts.

I've been avoiding actually looking at the tests because I know they're harder than "do three gaits and a stretchy circle", which is our safe place right now.

But I need to learn these suckers by like... Saturday. Which is actually pretty soon. So I finally looked at them. Ok, one of them. And then the other one.
really need his confidence right about now
And uh.

They are using letters in the test that I sort of knew existed, but had never paid any attention to whatsoever and have no actual idea where they are in the ring.

 Also in test 2, the coefficients (or most important movements to the score) are the free walk/stretch trot (ok yay we can do) and then BOTH the canter lengthenings. Ask me if we've ever done a canter lengthening.

That's a no.

I keep reminding myself that we've been working toward this goal for over a year and while it sounds super scary all put together like this, 1) it doesn't even register on the scary scale compared to say, another horrifying go at a jumping show and 2) we actually do have (almost) all the pieces. 15m canter circles are fine. 10m trot circles are fine. Leg yields are fine. It's not like we're going to blow everyone out of the water, but at least we have most of the pieces.
yay friends!
Oh, and I still can't catch C-Rage, but at least he's back to being rideable, so I think that's exciting too?


  1. YOU WILL BE GREAT!! I believe in you! #havecourage see what I did there with the punny/inspirational hashtagging!?

    1. His name really lends itself to that. ;-)

      #ihavecourage #absolutecourage

  2. You got this!!!

    Also, what brand of hind boots are in your second picture? Thanks! :)

  3. Good luck! And more importantly, have fun!

    1. this comment ^

      it should be fun, and besides even if you get eliminated you still got to ride and youre doing more than most people.

      go kick it :P

    2. My favorite inspirational saying is "Aim for the swamp. No matter what, you'll make a splash."

  4. woooo you guys are gonna be great :)

  5. Glad he is back to being rideable! Sounds like you have all the pieces to do a nice test. I hope you guys have a great time and a good experience.

  6. You'll do great! Misty did her first ever canter lengthening at her first level show debut and we got really good scores, so just go for it!

  7. Good luck! I'm so excited to hear about how it went!

  8. I'm doing two First tests for our first rated show in a few weeks and I could not even tell you which direction you're supposed to turn coming off of X at this point. Extra points to you for even bothering to look at the tests! :P

  9. Schooling shows are for learning and stretching out of your comfort zone, so have fun! :)

  10. Good luck! It should be fun!

  11. Good luck! It will be so fun!

    My favorite tip for the extended canter from my old trainer: "Make your working canter super collected, then your normal canter is extended!" (We did our first extended canter in a Training level test... sooooo... I learned that walking into the ring).

    1. My current canter strategy is to mutter "plz don't bolt" over and over until we mercifully come back to trot. Sounds like we need to step it up.

  12. My best letters-memorization scheme is "A KVESH Can't Make Robots Burp Petrol Fuel". I don't know what a KVESH is but it's easy enough to remember!

    1. It's not so much knowing what letters there are as understanding where I am in relation to them. The universe is a mystery to me.

  13. Okay if you do this successfully and it's not super scary and you live to tell the tale, I'll also do the test I'm afraid to do. I'll also be happy to hold your hand because I struggled through these tests too. Still do, actually. Message me anytime :)

  14. Glad Courage is feeling like himself :) Was it his pearly whites?

  15. And don't forget the best part - all 1st level tests (and above) are all sitting trot! Ask me how many times as a kid I accidentally went posting through a 1st level test...

    1. Although, I did just go look at those tests and see you can sit them now? When did that change?

    2. Damnit I meant post. Post! Fail.

    3. I think it changed in 2012? Post first, sit second. Believe you me, it will be a whole 'nother round of freak outs when I have to sit a medium.

    4. The last time I rode a 1st level test at a show it was sitting trot... in 2008? Kids these days have it easy.

  16. you can do this. besides- it will be a great experience for the two of you. Love the photo at the top.

  17. We need videographic proof of you repeatedly yelling "PENIS!" @ Aimee in the warm-up ring. And the more pearl-clutching DQs heard sniffing and tut-tut-ing and "well, I NEVER"-ing in the background, the more points.
