
Friday, June 17, 2016

Or Not

Without getting overly personal or detailed, let's just agree that 2016 is a shitty-ass year on a lot of levels, and every time I think something will work for me, I get blindsided with something else dumb and out of my control.

blinded by his own shine
Yeah so that happened again.

I now have a lot of free time and no money, so we're definitely not going to a show this weekend or for the foreseeable future. I'm trying to see it as an opportunity to fine tune things we need a lot of help with.
like braiding
or taking conformation shots
and cool dressage stuff
With any luck (don't hold your breath), I'll be back to work shortly. In the mean time, how great does my horse look?


  1. Ugh Aimee that sucks. :( But your braids look great! I'm glad you're getting on the Dutch braid bandwagon - they are so fancy!! I hope you're out of this rough patch soon. <3

  2. I am so sorry that 2016 is not your year. This too shall pass. But it sucks while you're in it. On the bright side, your horse looks great.

  3. That sucks, I'm so sorry. :( Sending you lots of good thoughts on finding a new job ASAP.

  4. That's really shitty, I'm sorry to hear that.

  5. :( But the dutch braids look so good!

  6. Well your braids look fantastic, and Courage is looking great, so that's a big plus!

  7. They are very pretty braids and he looks lovely! But dang, that sucks. :( Thinking of you.

  8. mentally sending you a big ol' box of cardboardeaux, all of the pizza and plenty of ice cream. hang in there!

  9. I had that happen to me. Twice. I got to spend lots of time playing pretty pony and enjoying having the barn to myself while everyone else was at work. It will all work out - plus, you could always start a side gig buying and selling used tack! (I've never commented before, but I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your pictures every day!)

  10. Hope things turn towards the better soon. 2016 has been a real jerk. 😞

  11. Pretty braids and a shiny horse! Love it!
    2016 has been awful all around, seems like. Sorry :( Sending good vibes your way! It can only get better, right?

  12. Boo. That sucks. But Courage does look gorgeous all braided up and dressaged.

  13. Been there. Done that. Got a couple of tee shirts. It blows. Having a pony helps. Being awesome is even better. Keep being awesome, and always use more yarn. ;) <3

  14. Awh, I'm sorry things are going rough right now. Courage DOES look super hunky right now.

  15. On the plus side, more pony time? Seriously, though, I hope things change for you and for the better soon!

  16. I've got my fingers crossed for you that things improve soon. Loving those dutch braids and I really need to start practicing braiding. At the very least I need to shorten/trim the pony mane soon!

  17. Ugh, that sucks. I am job hunting for a career now that I am graduated. It is seriously frustrating. A lot of the jobs that I feel qualified for EXCEPT that I don't have 5+ years of experience in a similar position...except that I have no chance of getting that experience because nobody will hire me!

  18. Ah crap, good luck with the job searching, hope you find something good ASAP!
