
Monday, July 11, 2016

Adult Pony Club, Western Chapter

I always try to find people I look up to and then emulate things I admire about their lives. For a long time now, I've admired Marissa's adult pony club chapter and Shannon's amazing wine/adult beverage sippy cups that make outdoor alcohol consumption practical for the clumsy among us.

And then it happened. While at a thrift store with hubs, I found not one but TWO adult sippy cups for a whooping $0.49 each.

Welcome to the far west chapter of adult pony club.

The rules are simple: someone brings alcohol. We fill the amazing sippy cups. We toodle and talk and laugh. We don't care if you know what a stock tie is or how to hang a haynet or if your tack is clean.
We started with margaritas because a celebration was in order, but I've noticed the other chapters use wine, mimosas, or whatever is appropriate to an occasion.

I'd always thought adult pony club was a brilliant idea. Now that I've started my own chapter, I can tell you it's the best idea yet. 


  1. I need adult pony club in my life. Sadly my drinking buddies are the BO and farrier and while they are fun dudes to hang out with they don't do the whole riding thing.

  2. Preeeeeetty sure Emma and I already started offshoots in MD/DC.

    1. We should put together an annual conference.

    2. This! Also, how far are you from Fair Hill? I'm about an hour north, and I'm absolutely dying to go there.

    3. I'm about 3 hours away, but that doesn't mean I'm not up for a drive! (I actually work shows there pretty regularly!)

    4. I so want to work a show there! But, every time I see them asking for volunteers I always have something else scheduled. :(

    5. Conferences for all. We discuss important thematic divergences in the relative attributes of sippy wine cups. Mandatory attendance and such.

    6. And also why Austen is stealing the beer.

    7. Some sippy cups dribble. We need to establish a task force to thoroughly test all models.

    8. I'm in. I also nominate Shannon. Who else wants to test sippys?

    9. Someone tell me what to buy....errrr, test... and I'm in for being on the Adult Pony Club Testing Committee 😀 I'm interested in becoming the Missouri rep 😉

    10. I would like to test sippys, for I will need to know the best one to contain my stolen beers. ;)

  3. Fantastic idea! Perfect execution! I'll work on and San Diego chapter!

  4. I love all of this! Now I have a name for it -- adult pony club sounds much classier than just having a drink at the barn.

  5. That sounds perfect. i need one of these in my life.

  6. oh my god this NEEDS to be a thing

  7. Proudly representing Adult Pony Club, South Jersey Chapter! I'm totes making this a tag on my blog now. Also, do the kids still say "totes", or is that not cool anymore?

    1. totes. also i will be joining your south jersey chapter, we should find sippy wine cups

    2. I got mine at the Bed Bath and Beyond in Millville Also, the Southwind Vineyard Hunter Paces usually sell them.

    3. It never occurred to me that you could buy them at normal stores. What a great idea!


      Amazon has them by the case! Now, we just need a logo. I've got a friend who does vinyl stickers.....

    5. YES LOGO and there needs to be some kind of website or something

      and then you'd always have people to drink vino out of tumblers and do hunter paces with

      (side note, etsy has the wine sippy cups too and you can have them monogrammed)

  8. Cannot tell you how badly I want to join and how much I love this idea.

    1. You should! Or start a branch with Sarah and I'll be jealous of you.

  9. Is there a specific method for haynet hanging? I got sidetracked by that thought. I always just sort of tie it to the fence.

    1. Oh yeah. Kid Pony Club is mega picky about that stuff.

  10. Oh good, now I can give a classy name to what I otherwise just call "day drinking with horses." I'm now considering myself a member of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Adult Pony Club!
