
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Gone Adulting (lol jk it's still me)

Because I am a responsible adult, I instantly used "SB got her job back" as an excuse to buy Courage a set of Euro-inspired knock-off dressage boots.
only the best for the vainest horse
I haven't used them at all because SOMEONE was CRIPPLED and I was pouting. Plus they're white and summer is gross and dusty with glaring light that makes photography both miserable and impossible. Plus having a job means I have to go to it sometimes which cramps my style occasionally (not actually complaining omg I love having a job).

Anyways. If you obsessively stalk all the cool instagrams (cough while unemployed of course), you've probably seen more expensive models of these boots floating around. I naturally wanted the Schockemohle dressage boots, but there was the slight issue of them costing roughly a billion dollars (aka $175 a set before shipping). That's kind of a lot for a horse who frequently decides he can't actually wear boots.

There's a slightly cheaper Eskadron version (and I do love Eskadron) but at $85 for fronts and $95 for hinds, I take it back they're actually not cheaper.

Horze also makes their "Laval" boot which costs $95 for a set of four and offers free shipping at that price point, but I have a slight problem with my mailman delivering a box with horze on it. I don't have much pride, but I just haven't crossed that bridge yet.

So anyways. I landed with a good old fashioned American knock-off job, aka the Centaur Classic Dressage Boots for like $68 shipped for a set of 4. When I told my friends I'd ordered them, I kept getting the same question:

"Do you think Courage will actually wear those?"

To which I say:

Uhhhhhhh maybe?


  1. Poor Courage. Such torture! How could you be so cruel and post such an undignified video??? I do love how he is going "OMG OMG hey look at that handsome horse oh yeah OMG"
    Hopefully they work and he gets over it.

    1. It's hard when you're that beautiful. Mortals like us will never know.

  2. Hey, look! You fixed him; he's no longer crippled. I think those are magic boots. :0)

    1. Yes, I transferred the funkiness to the back... Hm.

  3. I got my hands on some of the Schockemohle boots and honestly wasn't impressed. They are lined with neoprene and don't breathe, which is a deal breaker for me.

  4. Replies
    1. I couldn't put music over the video. The squeals made me laugh too much. It's hard being a Courage.

  5. I love how he checks himself out in the mirror

  6. If I put those on Theo, think I'll get the same levels of energy and hock action? But yeah, I don't think Courage is a fan.

    1. I'm trying to be optimistic, but the only time I've seen him worse was the non-slip lined ME boots. Omg full rodeo bronc for those.

  7. Horze I mean whyyyyy name a company that. It's completely taken them out of my consideration set too, LOL!

    1. I'm not saying I won't EVER, but it's going to have to be pretty dire straights or shipped to a friend's house or something. I like my mailman. I don't need him thinking about things like that.

  8. Bonus points for hock action?

    I've giving up trying to find boots that B will tolerate on his hind legs. He will only allow polos with liners and you can't exactly jump in those.

    1. I'd care less, but someone knocks the crap out of his hind legs and it's cheaper to destroy boots than live tissue. So there's that.

      Also since SOMEONE was completely crippled for a whole week by a tiny cut, yeah.

  9. OMG - the squealing and farting! He is so dramatic :)

  10. Henry always walks like that in boots too. Every. Single. Day.

    1. In his polos with liners, he starts a little less extreme and walks out of it in a few steps. He kinda never got over these boots.

  11. My goodness he's a nice mover! Not sure of his thoughts on the boots though....

  12. Bahhahha oh man what a DRAMA QUEEN!

  13. I haven't tried boots in the back on my OTTB mare, but wrapped in polo's she takes a few prissy steps and then she is sooOOoo over it.

    The squeals are too funny. Why is it that geldings and stallions seem to have higher pitched 'voices' and squeal like a bunch of teenage girls, yet mares have a deeper tone and sound like bellowing cows? My herd is no exception..... smh

  14. Proud new owner of a 13 year old TB who's thought bubble went 'I do not understand' when kiddo put polos on him.

    I sent this vid to cheer her up... sorry? /notsorry.

    TBs just crack me up.
