
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Meet Otto

I was bragging the other day about how I'd been so good about not buying tack lately, and then I realized I bought dressage boots, two pairs of breeches, fancy bath products, a girth, and even bandage liners. But really. Not that many things. And some of those things were needed! The breeches were $15/each and winter weight, the bath products were because our climate requires specific care, the girth was because SOMEONE decided leather is now a no-go and the bandage liners were to hit a minimum purchase and get a discount+free shipping. Plus they're a brand I don't have and I can do a review later maybe.

Right? Totally justified.

My real obsession is bridles though and I haven't bought a bridle.... I dunno. In a long time. Bought some pieces this spring, but I think my last whole bridle was like.... 2015?? Picture of moderation here.

Anyways I dragged Lindsey over to the local consignment place, but the owner was out and she'd just gotten back from a show. So because we are grown adults who are good at patience, we let ourselves in and dug through boxes and rearranged things. I managed to talk myself out of a nice cob-size hunter bridle given that C is not and will not become a hunter.

But then we found it.
the mark of Otto
See, if you're a dressage tack nerd at all (cough), you'll know that Otto Schumacher is freaking hot right now. You'll also know that those bridles run $500-800 before customization and that they are the cutting edge of white padding and patent and custom colors and all that stuff. Also if you know all those things, you'll know that this is a super-retro traditional-crown model that probably stepped off the shelf what in the 90s? At the latest?
Anyways. I'm enough of a tack nerd to know those things off the top of my head and I'm also enough of a nerd to know that Courage is a size one Otto and that's what it was. Plus it was for an amazing price. And someone had taken amazing care of it. 

And I wanted it. 

I made grabby hands, put it down, walked away, came back, took measurements, walked away, and hoped I'd forget about it when the consignment store owner was like "lulz just take it on trial", WHICH I DID. 

I really, really wanted to hate it because there are definitely other things to spend money on. But. I had to try it on, right? THERE WAS NO OTHER OPTION. 
It's a unique look for sure--I actually didn't know Otto made this model. I've seen a couple old-school stubbens that had the braid on the nose and brow, but they did brown braid, which did nothing for me. This is solid black and a little bolder than the stubben look. Also Otto. 

I feel super hipster-y and weird saying this, but I kind of love it. Love how it smells, love how it feels in my hands, love how it looks on my horse. It's different without being too different. It's fun without distracting from him. 
Side by side with my fancy white-padded bridle, you can see that it's actually very similar in terms of strap width and structure. Courage has a very specific face and lots of things look stupid on him. This bridle works. 

It's not like anything I've ever had before. I don't know if it's retro enough to be cool right now anyways, but I enjoy the look and it's fun to have Otto in the barn.
And in case you're wondering, my personal limit for bridles is 6 per horse and no, we aren't over the limit right now. We have Otto, the Red Barn, the Frankenbridle, the dressage Franken, and a western bridle which almost doesn't count. Plus a loaner drop bridle, which definitely doesn't count.

Welcome to the collection, Otto.


  1. I was drooling over the photos from the minute you posted them -- I love it! On one hand, I'm kind of sad that it's retro so the chances of me finding one are nil, but at the same time it's probably good for my bank account haha. Beautiful! And it looks even more stunning on Courage.

    1. Bank accounts were made to beaten into submission. :-p

    2. You and Amanda are teaching me that and my bank account is imploding 😂😉

      If you find another one of those..... don't tell me. But also do. I can't decide.... ROFL

  2. I'm clearly not at your level of tack nerd as I did not know those things. I love it though! You're totally right about it being different but not too different! Enjoy your Otto

  3. I LOVE that bridle!! The braiding is gorgeous- fun, but understated. If you decide you want to get rid of it, let me know ;)

    1. Haha. I love that y'all know me well enough to start getting in line. ;-)

  4. I actually REALLY like that look, especially on Courage!

  5. OMG, so jealous. If you find another one, pick it up for me. I'll send you the money!

  6. Your thought process on tack purchases never ceases to amaze me. #brilliant

    1. I get a little crazy. Haha. Just ask Lindsey who was like "YOU DONT NEED IT YOU SHOULDNT BUY IT YOU WONT EVEN KEEP IT WALK AWAY WALK AWAY".

      I walked away alright. OTTO IN MY HANDS. Well ok I walked away twice before that but I kept coming back.

  7. Six bridles per horse. Damn. I'd need a shit ton more bridle hooks in my tackroom.

  8. I think it's the perfect amount of different! It's gorgeous. I'm a sucker for anything that is braided or punched.

  9. OS bridles are 😍

    I loffs Nancy's braided bridle even more now even though it is a knockoff Ii bought "secondhand" from a yard friend who ordered it for her Haffie but he shop sent giant sized so Nancy & I benefitted...However it is sadly not an Otto, neither new nor vintage 😶

  10. Otto is gorgeous! Love it on Courage.

  11. Wait, what???? There's a limit of number of bridles per horse? I've exceeded that one. Is there a limit on anything else?

    The bridle looks nice on Courage. It being a great find at an awesome price? Even better. Score!!!
