
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2017 Goals

Ok I'm trying AGAIN to set realistic goals that make sense for my life and my horse. I'm not aiming at specific scores or shows or levels.

Courage Goals:
1) Starting in February, keep him in work 3x a week--lunging, riding, groundwork.
2) As circumstances permit, pro training (lesson or pro ride) 4x a month.
3) 5 off-property excursions: trail ride, clinic, lesson, horse show, or just hanging out with friends.

Courage and I have a complicated relationship. He's talented but difficult. I want to start the year out developing him into a horse I can enjoy owning. I'm half tempted to say that I need to figure out where I stand with him, but that's too complicated. Just know that I'm aiming to knock these out in the first half of the year, and if they don't pan out or aren't fun, we may be exploring other equine avenues.

Horse Goals: 
4) Get acclimated to riding second level movements whether on Courage or on school horses.
5) Audit at least three different clinicians.
6) Attend (either as volunteer or competitor) at least three dressage shows.
7) Ride 10 other horses in a non-toodling capacity.

Whatever happens with Courage, I want to keep developing my education and abilities. Dressage is where I'm at right now, so I want to see what's out there for someone like me. Whether or not this is the sport I stick to, I want to give it a good, solid try.

Meta Goals:
8) Attend 1-2 top level equine sporting events (advanced eventing, grand prix dressage or jumping)
9) Train for and complete either a 10k or half marathon, body-permitting.
10) Do core workouts 1-2x a week ALL YEAR LONG (body permitting).

In addition to becoming more educated about dressage, I think there is a lot of value in getting exposed to the top of the sport. It shows me what I'm headed for and what all this builds into (maybe eventually. you know.) I also want to cultivate my overall fitness in pursuit of being a stronger person all around. I'm pretty limited in what I can do right now (thanks stupid giant truck slamming into me), but I anticipate being normal eventually.

There. Ten goals. All achievable (theoretically).
can't stop us now


  1. Now that is some appropriate goal-setting! Looking forward to learning along with you this year. :)

    1. Way to be appropriate! It's like being the kid all the parents want their kid to hang out with, which I also was. :p

    2. Me, too girlfriend. Everyone's Mom: "Oh, is Allison going to be there? Then that's fine. You can go."

  2. Solid goals 😀 you're so much more motivated than me, haha. I can't wait to follow along with your 2017 adventures!

  3. I think these are really good goals!

  4. I like these goals! By expanding beyond shows/levels I think you will get improvement with much less stress and disappointment.

  5. I need to copy your meta goals...but probably the top one is the only one that has a chance of happening

    1. I get to put an asterix by all those because I can't physically do anything right now. So.

  6. You should just start planning a trip out east now... all your blog friends out here would love to meet up, plus we have some nice events (fairhill, plantation, devon)!!!!

  7. I really like your goals! I can't wait to see how 2017 goes and cheer for you along the way.

  8. These are good goals. Really, this is what everyone's goals should look like regardless of their level or the temperament of their horse. Which reminds me, I need to renew my memberships so the local shows will put me on their volunteer lists.

  9. I am just not making goals. Does that make me a slacker? Probably.

    1. You have a lot more up in the air. And that's saying a lot.

  10. Those are some good goals. I need to set something similar.

  11. Come to New England! We have very pretty horse shows, including one of the biggest dressage shows in the country. And you can ride mi papi (aka dodge his teeth while convincing him to move his lazy ass).

  12. I like all your goals a lot. Esp the non Courage horse ones. And not bc I'm anti C, but bc there is so much to be learned about our own selves but exploring different horses and what they can show us. Riding so many different ones this year was a PITA, but I'm super grateful for the experience.

    Also. Come visit us out east for an event!

  13. Shoot. I only have two year goals Re:horses. 1. Get out on the trails more, now that I have reliable transportation. 2. Reach a point where I can confidently try for some year end awards (at the lowest possible competition level) next year. Not that I'm going to actually go for year end awards next year, but I'd like to know that I could.

    1. Jealous of your wheels, not gonna lie. Any chance C will fit in your trailer?

  14. That photo of Trogdor in his "draw me like one of your french girls" pose is like a graphic representation of what I did all of 2016. So...I'm hoping to change a few things about 2017! ;)

    I think you did a great job of setting achievable goals- can't wait to watch you check them off your list this year!

  15. These sound like very reasonable goals to me!

  16. I really like these! Totally doable in 2017!

  17. The horse goals seem SMART and good, but that running a half marathon sounds like a nightmare (to me - I know others actually enjoy running). Cheers to accomplishing 2017!

  18. I love your goals. I'm running a half marathon too!
