
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Eight Years Apparently.

The other day, Teresa and Leah pointed out that my blog archives are kind of... extensive... and I looked to see just how far back they went.

Eight. Eight years since I got my first horse as a newly-married college kid and started blogging for the stated reason of not driving my husband nuts. I was hoping to find some like-minded souls to connect with so I'd have someone to talk to about all things horse.

Since then, I've been through three horses:
Izzy 2009-2012

Cuna 2012-2014

Courage 2013-present
EIGHT (count 'em) barns:
1) first trainer, old barn
2) first trainer, new barn
3) first time on our own
4) second trainer, first barn
4) second trainer, first barn, second horse
5) second trainer second horse, second barn
6) sans trainer, second horse, third barn
7) second horse, final barn
6) third horse, repeat barn #6 (omg baby C!!)
8) third horse, repeat first trainer, brand new barn
I can't count the bridles that have passed through my care or the number of amazing people I've met along the way, both in real life and through the blog. There are lots of things I love about blogging and certain things that drive me crazy. I started the blog to meet new people, and that's definitely happened. Also awesome has been the opportunity to mark our progress through the years. I'm definitely not the same person who started this whole things eight years ago, but I like who I am a lot more now.
Here's to friends and fun and new adventures and dear god let's stop moving barns omg.


  1. 8 barns in 8 years sounds fairly average for some of the people around here 😋 haha.

    In all seriousness though, I'm glad I found your blog and that it's one of the ones that motivated me to start my own blog. And to stalk you until you became an actual friend. And sold me Otto 😎

    You and Courage are inspiring 💞

  2. Your blog been the starting point for many friendships for many people. Kudos for starting something that has such positive far reaching effects!

  3. I'm proud to say I've been reading since 2010, and watching your journey has been so fun. Thanks for sharing and bringing us along for the ride!

    1. You're so old school! ;-) In that time, I'm pretty sure you've had one horse and one barn. So consistent.

  4. Your blog was one of the first I followed and is still one of my favs. Cheers to friends and fun and adventures!

  5. You made me add it up... in 20 years I've been to 10 barns (leased 3 horses and owned 2). Max stay of 7 years, shortest stay of 2 months (note that was going to be a temporary, winter boarding situation anyway). It felt like I was always moving around, and apparently I have been! Since that 7 year stay I never stayed in one place for more than 3 years!

    1. Our needs and our horses needs change for sure. :-)

  6. Replies
    1. You'll notice I did not add up the money spent on ponies during those years. Some things it's better not to know.

  7. 8 years is along time! Nice job sticking with it. I just realized my 4th year came and went a few weeks ago. Time sure does fly.

    1. I'm over 1500 posts. That is a lot of time to spend on a hobby, haha.

  8. I guess I thought you lived more in the middle of nowhere/not that many barns to choose from! 8 barns is impressive and got me counting. I've guess I've been at 8 too with my last horse. Barn 9 I guess is the barn I'm riding at now, without the horse :(

    Enjoyed the ride and reading all about your adventures big & small!

  9. <3 i've loved following along for the last few years!

    also tho i refuse to believe that you couldn't count up all those bridles if you really wanted to ;)

  10. ooohhh. I may have to go back and check out the early years :)

    1. Uh it's definitely improved as it went along. ;-)

      Though I think my favorite is still the Cuna years.

  11. Very impressive! It is fun to see how blogs evolve over time and people change, horses change, tack always always always changes ;)

  12. Kudos girl!
    I love your blog and aspire to be half as dedicated to sharing my adventures as you've been 🤗

  13. I've been around for a lot of that! You were the first person to ever comment on my blog I think, back in the days of Izzy.

    You have good taste in horses and tack but I didn't realize there had been so many barns lol

    1. I really didn't either until I actually tallied them up.

  14. i think you know exactly how many bridles you have had and been through :) And i love your blog and now need to go to the archives! PS that is a lot of different barns :)

    1. I actually don't but now I semi want to count them up and find out.

  15. I think I have you beat in barns for length of time ;) I was also just looking through your archives and catching up a bit. Very cool to go back and look through!

    1. I mean, my average is a little over a year per barn I guess. That's not bad, right?

  16. holy wow. time flies when you're adulating... Always fun to be along reading about the adventures...

  17. Congratulations on eight years! I just started reading a few months ago, but I have gone through the archives a little bit and love seeing where your journey has come (love those Cuna years)!

  18. I was thinking the other day and wondering how long I will be blogging. It doesn't feel like I will stop any time soon. I found you not so long ago but have enjoyed your posts about Courage.

    1. It changes as we do, but it's such a great way to connect with other horse people.

  19. Awww little baby Courage's narrow chest...way to go, muscles! I'm at 6 barns in 6 years-- the price we pay for best interests + beer budget. I've only been following along the journey for a couple short years, but I look forward to many more!

  20. You've had some beautiful horses come your way :)

  21. Congrats on your blog longevity. This was a great "rewind." I have not been at it as long as you, so I didn't know about all the other horses/barns. I wish you 8 more years of horsey fun.
