
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Teach Me Tuesday: Currying is Back!!

I love grooming horses. So much. Courage always hated it, so we compromised--he kept himself clean and I only touched him with the softest brushes. 


She thinks brushes are GREAT. 

She likes to lay IN HER OWN POO. 

She needs a curry. 
the current options
My curry brush selection is indifferent at best because SOMEONE hated them with a fiery burning passion, but I can totally justify getting a new one(s) now. Tell me horse people of bloglandia, what is your favorite curry? 


  1. I LOVE my Haas curry!
    It's misleading as it feels like a normal stiff plastic curry, but OMG this thing is amazing. All the horses I've used it on have loved it and it works amazingly. And for sensitive areas that still require itching I mean currying, I like their second generation curry too. It's made from a softer material - perfect for faces and legs. This is the kids one I have but it comes in a full size too.

    1. I am slowly growing my Haas collection - this curry comb now moves up the list!

  2. These gloves!

    Archie doesn't much care for them because he's so thin-skinned, but Whiskey and Ox both love them. And I can reach the crevices that get super itchy and gross.

  3. That green one you've got there is Connor's favorite, although I think they come in varying hardnesses. Ours is pretty soft and rubbery, and I can really dig in on him while he licks and chews. He even likes it on his face, and if it just hold it up to his face, he'll move his head up and down to scratch himself on it.

  4. I love that green pointy one you have there! Great at getting tough mud off, de-shedding, and also extra-great at massaging. I also keep a few classic old-school oval rubber curries around for legs, faces, and summertime when there isn't so much heavy-duty dirt and hair to deal with.

  5. I use those classic black oval ones. Mae is and isn't a fan (of course she feels that way) but I just make her suffer through it. That's what you get for rolling!

  6. I have a purple jelly one that I love. In the winter I warm it up a little for sir princess but he seems to enjoy it as long as I don't let it get stiff.

  7. Horses are all so dumb. All 3 of mine like different ones. Sadie loves the Hands On Gloves (which Henry and Presto think are made from razor blades), Presto likes the little jelly scrubber one, and Henry likes the old school hard plastic regular curry that TTT sent me as a curry to clean my brushes out with. Go freaking figure.

  8. old school hard plastic curry 4 lyfe (ie, bottom left of your pic)

  9. New boy (he really needs a name) hates currying and grooming, so I don't have any curry tips for you.

  10. My horses all love the jelly style curries. I only use the harder side with longer fur or yuckiness. The soft side of the curry works great on legs and faces too! (Since all 3 of my horses have too much white on their said extremities)

  11. My girls are all about the jelly style curries, which I buy in the smaller size since I apparently have child sized hands. I use the soft side everywhere (it's wonderful for legs and faces) and the larger toothed side for itchy wither spots. They do get stiff in winter and when they start to get old, but since I'm lazy and usually curry, quick once over with a brush and then throw tack on... I will always keep buying the jellies (until someone reviews something that sounds better, at least ;) )

    1. I've been using the smaller sized jelly curries but they still fall off my hands lol. Katai is a princess and doesn't like firmer curries so it's been working great for her though.

  12. Get a pair of curry gloves. You'll never go back to anything else.

  13. The Hands on Grooming glove- that green one that keeps popping up these days. I tried it at GP Trainer's and Penn (who despises brushing and currying) didn't mind it. Plus it gets in all the stupid horse crevices that collect hard to remove mud because you can use your finger to get the mud off!

  14. I'm a lifelong fan of the jelly ones like your pink one. But I also like to really really put some elbow grease in my grooming routine. It's kind of a zen thing for me and so far I've been lucky to have horses who enjoy or at least tolerate it!

  15. Everything in your picture - they all have their time and place + the Hands on Grooming Glove, which is fabulous.

  16. Amber's favorites currently consist of her SleekEZ shedding blade and the muck rake. Otherwise, anything that provides a good scratch to the itch!

  17. My horses are fairly apathetic to currying so I have no suggestions, but I'm just giggling at how excited you are to get more brushes ��

  18. I love the round shedding blade in your picture for removing mud. Not good for sensitive places of course.

  19. The Oster curry combs are hands down my fave.

  20. I love the old-school curries like your black one there. I have a sort of... triangular-ish shedding blade that I love and cannot for the life of me find online (can see it in my photo here:, and Cessa has her own special round curry with long conelike nubs because she ITCHES in her throatlatch when she sheds and murders my fingers if I try to hand-scratch the itchies.

  21. I can relate! Roz does not appreciate grooming, Emi on the other hand... My favorite grooming tool is the jelly scrubber (! But it has to the petite one. The standard size is too big to stay on your hand well. Of course, the petite one is a little bit hard to find. I buy a couple every time I find them!

  22. I like the one you have with the cone shaped nubs for furry beasts. I like the old fashioned oval curry ones for summer coats. And most of my horses LOVE the hands on gloves. Romey likes the really soft ones too.

  23. I have most of the ones you posted (and love them all for various uses) but my favorite is a flower shaped one with soft, long rubber pieces, like feelers. It's great for currying the sensitive spots and the face!

  24. I've been using the Jelly scrubber one but my favorite for shedding season is the flower shedder. These are FANTASTIC at removing hair and dirt and this is one of the few brushes that has stuck with me over the past few years

  25. theres one thats a little plastic flower - I LOVE IT!!!

    i actually think piccolopony above posted a link im gonna +1 that.

  26. Ha ha ha you have a horse that thinks manure makes for the best bed. Once I stop laughing about this, (I feel your pain) I will give some thought to currying....

  27. Hands on gloves - they are seriously the absolute best thing ever!! My horses die of pleasure when I use them haha no seriously, they rock.
