
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I Went Shopping (again)

I've been promising a tack write-up, so here goes an explanation of Zoe's latest outfit acquisition. 
she is cartoon pony
Labor Day weekend was... stressful... so I voted to allow myself one good, solid splurge on related tack sales. I'd just started riding Zoe bareback, so I was leaning towards that Thinline Bareback Pad that I have wanted since the Izzy days. It was 20% off with free shipping, which is tempting. 


There was a local tack trailer (that I love) at a local show (that I was going to). I waited to pull the trigger on the pad until I got to the trailer to peruse their selection. I was the first customer up the ramp like WHAT HAVE WE HERE when the owner took the one bridle I've been drooling on for well over a year now and stuck it on the sale rack. 

It was still substantially more than the bareback pad. And I have a Zoe bridle. 

teeny supports local shows. unrelated man supports teeny.
Plus I explained how Zoe is a custom fit girl and the shop owner was 100% on board with letting me try it on her and then swapping out parts to get the fit right.

Plus notorious spend-thrifts Alyssa and Nadia were both on site. They always tell me no to everything (and are like "spend your money on lessons/shows" because they are haters) but they both saw the bridle and the sale price and went "yeah the bareback pad will always be there GET THE BRIDLE".

When hell freezes over, you don't question it. You just get your skates and go for it. 

 (Leah and T were obv on board as well. I believe they voted for "both".) 
my trunk is busy, ok?
Unfortunately, the downside to having a SMOOSHY FACE to shop for is that I don't have smooshy measurements memorized (yet) and I'm not solid at just eyeballing her size either. 

I pranced out to the barn the next day. Put the bridle on the Zoe. 
Zoebird is not impressed
...and found out that apparently it was dinosaur sized. Whoops. Fortunately, my mobile tack shop lady makes barn visits and when I sent her the photo, she brought me the next size down. Ladies and (maybe) gents, I give you Zoe in a horse sized bridle:
Dear bridle makers: if your horse size fits my 100% custom mare face, you are doing it wrong. 

So that happened. And that was certainly enough. I pretty well blew the stress shopping budget out of the water there. 

But I was wandering around the internet, as one does, and I ran across a saddle that Roxie's mom and I had discussed as a potentially good fit for Zoe. It looked like it would work for me. It looked like it would work for Zoe. It was priced at like 40% of what I'd expect given the brand and condition. And yeah, there were like 7 people in front of me in line for it. 

So I kinda forgot about it for a few days, then followed up. 

And got an invoice. 

And then a box. 
quite a box
A real big box. 
i should have made a better selfie face. oh well.
With a fancy dressage saddle inside. 

Again, I pranced out to the barn to dress up Ms. Zoebird.
baby mare!
And uh. Does she look like a fantastic little future dressage mare or what? 

I regret nothing. 

And if you're looking for my checking account, it's definitely not in the shallow grave in my back yard. HUSH YOU.


  1. New swag! Love your stirrup irons btw

  2. Dressage Zoe looks wonderful!

    Now I just need to convince myself to pull the trigger on some fun tack. How am I going to figure out what looks great on a plain bay TB face if I don't buy anything to try?

    1. So little money too, and I need a jump saddle.

      But then splurge on brown Eponia to go with it because hunter type bridles are boring?

    2. Need a medium tree 18" Barnsby Diablo? I will make you a deal. ;-)

    3. Maybe? I don't know. We haven't had the chance to try much stuff yet.

    4. You should probably also speak to me of this barnsby Diablo. Even though I have no money.

  3. She looks fabulous! I absolutely lurve how that new bridle looks on her.

    1. I'm glad I waited to get it until she came along. It's very distinctive on her.

  4. All the pretties! What brand of saddle did you get?

    1. Whoops. It's an Albion Legend 5000.

    2. I have ridden in a couple Albions and loved them both. If I ever stop being poor, it's what I'll buy for my guy. For now, I'm still pretending to ride western.

  5. So exciting!

    I really like that bridle.

  6. Checking accounts are overrated - she looks adorable!!

  7. And someday, she'll be all braided up, prancing around in said tack, collecting satin. That probably won't be grey (as long as you don't buy a grey coat, they are cursed).

    1. I wonder if my black coat is outside the spectrum enough or if I need to go straight to blue?

  8. 😍😍😍😍 You are my spirit animal for sure.

  9. Replies
    1. She doesn't have a brown bridle, if we're being picky. :p

  10. What brand is the pretty bridle? I need to make sure I'm not missing anything new and shiny before I break down and buy the new kid an Eponia bridle ;)

  11. ooh Albion that is one of the special unicorn saddle that might fit my beasts odd measurements. SIGH. Tell me how you like it once you have ridden in a while. Love the bridle too. Checking accounts..pfft ;)

  12. Replies
    1. She has no bonnets. TEARS. SOBBING.

      I'm just afraid what the zombie ghost of a checking account will do to me if I order custom anything.

    2. Check it FUN Bonnets! $32 for fully custom including shipping.

      I'm not enabling I swear

  13. Lmao she's alllll profesh looking now!!

    I don't know anything about this stress shopping you speak of, nor do my four saddles.... lol

    1. Yeah leave them out of this.

      Also that butet bridle. Drool.

  14. Stress shopping? Oh that's how I ended up with a browband, new breeches and new DSB boots recently. lolz.

  15. I normally hate bling, but I actually really like that bridle. It's quite pretty. Also, what are your stirrups because they are pretty and I might need them.

    1. Hahahaha they are gorgeous. They're iridescent lorenzinis. Really cool tech and good to look at.

  16. Fancy Pants. The Albion looks comfy from a distance :)

  17. Oooh, so much matching. Plus, money isn't really "spent" if you got an excellent deal on what you spent it on. That's not really shopping, that's excellent choices.

  18. Nicely done! I was definitely not expecting a saddle to be part of this post! And yay for a bridle just fitting your smooshy nose!

  19. It's true. If I support the purchase, you must purchase. Love the saddle too!

    1. I mean. You and Alyssa. I don't think that's ever happened.

  20. You need a bareback pad for that girl?!?! Is she not like a couch already?!

  21. Yay!!! Beautiful new tack for the win ;)
