
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shopping on a Budget

As most of you are aware, I'm currently more than just a boarder--I work for my trainer and am at the barn 7 days a week. This is great for horse experience: I ride lots of horses in all different situations and have to figure out how to get along with them.

This is not great for my pony shopping needs. Barn jobs, even fun, educational ones, do not pay well. I've always been a shoestring budget kind of girl, but I have to admit this is tight even for me. I'm used to having about $100 a month of money that isn't specifically designated to go anywhere. I can spend it on entertainment, food, books, or of course, pony things.

Pony things win a lot. You have no idea how long I can go without eating out. ;-) Unfortunately, I do not have that cushion now.

Anyways. Due to the aforementioned budgetary restrictions, Cuna has gotten something less than full-on tack-whore splurging despite being my horse. Yes, he has his own saddle and several bridles and a new bit, but where is the monogrammed pad? The personalized fly bonnet? Izzy had those.

The truth is, since I have accumulated kind of a lot of horse stuff for someone who can only have one horse, there are very few things that I need as such. Instead, I'm squirreling away small amounts of cash in anticipation of getting this:
An Ecogold secure jumper pad. It's designed to allow air to circulate, to prevent saddle slippage, and to protect the horse's back. It's pretty, it's trendy, and it costs $165.


Non-barn-working me could have saved up and gotten this pretty quickly. Barn-working-me is hoping to be able to afford it before the end of the month so that I can use it at our upcoming show, the first weekend of July.

So what does that mean? I currently have a very limited income. I do not have the option to pick up any more jobs to make more income. My schedule is way too busy as it stands.

Instead of increasing my income, I am focusing on doing with less. I drive an old, paid off, fuel efficient car (35 mpg ftw!!). Even so, I limit my driving to essentials so I am not wasting money on gas. When I'm desperate and have to buy clothes, I buy small numbers of high quality clothes. I only buy the things I completely love that I can wear in many situations. If I can't wear it to the barn, my office job, and out socially, it doesn't come home with me. (I have a low-key office job, which helps.)

If I'm going to the tack store, I give myself a budget and permission to spend a small amount, say $20. That's a pair of socks and some dee savers. I remind myself of several other things the $20 could go for, like slushies at sonic after a long, hot day at the barn. If I choose to splurge in one place, then I do not splurge in another. My cellphone is the cheapest smartphone they had in the store. My plan is the most barebones dataplan available.

I don't go to movies. I don't buy coffee. If I eat out, it's for a reason other than "I'm hungry and forgot to pack a lunch".

There was a brief time period before I owned a horse but after I was married when I had a ton of fun discretionary income. Sure it was cool to go out with friends and have a social life and do all that, but you know what? I don't really miss it. There are so many rewards to horse ownership and the kind of people I've met along the way that I don't think I could go back even if I wanted to.

Of course, if I did, I could probably afford this:

Team Canada Pad. PRETTY! 


  1. Agreed! I don't even have TV or cable in order to save money that I can spend on the horse. And I don't miss it at all!

  2. What a thoughtful post! When I was in photography school I calculated each and every dime spent into how many rolls of film or boxes of paper that would equal! I can't wait to hear about the Ecogold pad, I've heard such good things about them but don't know anyone who owns one!

  3. I hear you girl! Been there! Will be there again eventually (woohoo graduate school). Right now I make good money but I put about 50% of it in savings and live like I don't make good money. Look at ebay for that pad! Sometimes you can find them for less and they are legitimate brand new with tags items.

  4. When you are passionate about something, I believe it is easier to make sacrifices.

  5. I know what you mean -- medical bills have made life difficult lately, so I've been running the dishwasher at home way more often. :)

    And I have this pile of credit at the feed store ... hmmm. Saving it for a sale, I think. I wish they carried Five Star bridles!

  6. I feel ya! Now add a kid to the mix and it really gets interesting :) Seeing our horses happy and well taken care of and riding them makes it all worth it!

  7. I remain in awe of your mad budget skills. My willpower is next to nothing (in almost all regards), which is probably why I'm on my third piece of pizza as I type this (damn!). I need to channel more you and less me and see where that gets us :)

    1. I live vicariously through you. Shop on, my friend.

  8. I want the same pad but the fitted version. Have you ever used an ecogold pad? I rode with one once but it was a half pad. I really liked it.

    Good things come with sacrifice. Cuna will love that pad :)

    Just $5 cheaper but VTO has that pad for $159 and I think they have pretty reasonable shipping... Its only $5 for me. Don't know what Ecogold charges for shipping.

  9. If I had any money TO save I would be doing exactly what you are (minus the movie thing. I'm a movie whore. It keeps me sane)...but as it stands all my bills take up my moolah and I have no fun play money :(

    You MUST tell me how you like the pad, since I want the fitted version as well. Need. want. Must have.

  10. Good things come to those who wait...or so they say.

  11. Question! Aren't you from the states? Why the Canadian pad? Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome choice (says the Canuck), just curious!

    1. I am a USian, yes. I have a couple of very good Canadian friends, am not overly patriotic, and just like the Canadian design better. Plus, I think the dynamics of the Team Canada eventers are awesome.

  12. That saddle pad looks amazing! I know how you feel with the lack of money. I spend almost every single cent I own on my horses.


    Sprinkler Bandit, SOOOO happy to see you embracing your northern roots!!! Love that Team Canada pad!!! : )

    As for budgeting, it IS amazing how much quicker the money goes when you have a horse! Especially one you love and want to whore out in every known piece of tack!!! : )

  14. Ha, I have been coveting those Ecogold pads, too! I have no idea why, since every time I break down and acquire the latest-and-greatest piece of equipment, I end up disappointed and returning to baseline. So here I am bopping along with my Woof boots and cheapie gel pad and fat single-joint snaffle...although the Thinline reins, I will say, are well-worth the price of admission!
