
Thursday, June 14, 2012


Poor old man
When I went to turn Cuna out this morning, he threw a fit about me putting the halter on. He did get a little cut on his face yesterday, so I thought I must have accidentally hit it. I walked to his other side so I could handle the halter more tactfully, and saw this:

The little cut caused a huge lump of swelling on the left side of his face. Poor guy! He was clear-eyed and cheery otherwise, so I carefully maneuvered the halter on and took him to the BO for a consult.

It's ugly, but it's not infected (yet) or getting worse. He is now getting SMZs and a little bute to help with the inflammation and of course, I am monitoring the situation like the neurotic nelly I am. He seems fine otherwise, but the swelling is right where the cheekstrap of the bridle lays, so he also got the day off.

Looking like a giant chipmunk

I do sort of wonder if that was the plan--he was pretty tired of trail riding (which we've been doing all week) and he did look pretty bummed when I told him we were going to jump today until this happened.

I did discover that Mr Cuna is wonderful about taking his meds though. I put them in with a cup or so of senior and some applesauce and he licked out his feeder. No worries there.


  1. Poor boy! Hope it's better tomorrow!

  2. Oh no!! Poor guy! Heal quickly, Cuna!

  3. It only slightly marrs his handsome, chiseled looks. He'll be better in no time!

  4. Poor pony! Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

  5. Poor Cuna! Hope it heals up fast.

  6. Poor guy! I'm glad it's something minor - looks like it should heal quickly and hopefully he'll be 100% in no time!

  7. Oh dear. I've seen bumps like that before. You could put a cold compress on it--ice it for a few minutes. That might feel good if he will let you touch it. Otherwise, sounds as if you are doing everything just right and he'll be fine in a few days.

  8. Awww Mr. Cuna. Get better soon!

  9. Aww poor baby! I hope he feels better soon!
