Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Little Man Has Mad Hops

Given the sort of gut wrenching awful that we dealt with last week, I really needed Courage to step it up. I guess the little man knew it. He brought me 110% every ride, even when all I felt up to doing was just walking around the arena. He's so self assured and cocky and adorable. He forces me to pay attention and laugh, even when I don't think I can.

Not actually me riding
We rode at dusk the other night, and he was jumping like a rocket ship. We'd get right under the fences, and then he'd LAUNCH into the air. I had to laugh at him, but for Sunday's ride, I put redheadlins in the tack for the fences. I do enjoy him immensely, but sometimes I think it's useful to let him figure life out with someone who knows a little more what they're doing.

Plus, I haven't actually seen him go since he figured out jumping. Check out his awesome below!!

Redheadlins not only rode him for me, she also made the video. Yay awesome friends!

How cute are they?
In case you're like me and rarely watch videos, here are a couple of stills from the day.

It was so much fun to watch my little guy go around. He feels amazing when I ride him, but I have to say, he looks even more amazing. He is SO.PROUD. of himself for figuring out jumping.

I don't think height is an issue
I do need to probably do more ground poles stuff and get him used to grids and seeing multiple jumps in a row. That said, we're going in to winter and I'm in no particular hurry.

He's a quick learner and a hard worker and with his brain, I'm really not worried about doing anything other than building up a reservoir of positive experiences for him to draw on. We keep it fun and easy and he is thriving.

And frankly, if you think his jumping is coming along, you should see his flatwork. Someday, we will be respectable. We will also jump things more than 2' tall, but hey, he's three months off the track.

PS Check out the fun contest over at Forging Fiction.


  1. He is so cute. Who ever would have thought 6 months ago, you would bring a horse home from the track and he'd rock at jumping

  2. He is doing so well! Such a lovely boy

  3. he looks great, clean and happy :)

  4. He looks awesome!!! Such a cutie! I loved the video. Great song choice. :)

  5. You guys are doing so great together and I LOVE videos!!

  6. Yay! I definitely love putting other people on B just to see how far he's come. :) Whether they know what they're doing or not hahaha.

  7. ADORABLE! and absolutely no need to rush the height- that's how you mess up a good horse! bore them to death with the little stuff first, and get everything before and after the fences figured out, then you can raise them :) he'll be fantastic!


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