Yeah so. That happened.
And by "that", I mean a big overnight temp drop from 101f the day before to 66f at my ride time.
So that wasn't super awesome.
What was awesome was that Courage loaded up and went to the show, unloaded, was sort of ok, and ended up being w/t rideable in the warm up. It wasn't great, but it was ok. (Also there was a crop duster plane flying overhead, so that's cool too.)
and i like this picture |
What was less awesome was how Courage was like NOPE CHUCK TESTA in the arena. That first lengthen diagonal in first two? Yeah bolted it again. Last time we did that, I blamed myself for pushing for more power. This time, I was literally like "we will just trot around this corner and ignore the lengthen part", and C was like... well, like this:
but we stayed on our line of direction, so that's cool |
The canter was semi-rideable, which was great. It was maybe the first time we picked up the right lead at a show without me just chanting "please don't bolt" over and over. There were moments in the trot that didn't completely suck. But most of them did (completely suck). It's really quite horrible. You can watch first two
here if you're mega bored. Or just want to be catty. Whatever.
I didn't feel like I was being tense and making him worse, but I'm not ruling it out. I mean, I remembered my tests. Well, there was one trot transition I did at C instead of M and got a 3 for, but in general I was thinking and managing the horse under me.
Lindsey doesn't think I was breathing, which I suppose is possible.
also apparently i desperately needed to shorten my reins |
Courage was just SO.TENSE. in the arena, complete with a 180 degree pre-test spook at nothing (?) and just being so tight through his back. So tight. Losing rhythm. Up periscope. I tried looping the reins to give him somewhere to go, but that just got us worse charging-forward-out-of-balance and starting-to-panic, so.
stride two inches long |
The judge nailed me to the wall for not riding forward, which was fair, because I didn't. (In fairness to me, that's because Courage couldn't handle it, but she didn't know that and can't/shouldn't accommodate it.) She loved Courage and said he had a lot of potential. (Which I think is true and is why I'm busting my ass for this damn sport anyways.) She gave us two 58s, which was fair given our (lack of) performance. Just once, I'd like to get a "tactful ride" comment or something instead of straight up "ride your nice horse more forward you useless lump of shit" because well. Sigh.
but we got satin so yay satin! |
I don't know where I'm going with this. It wasn't a great show. It wasn't even a good show. I got off and was like "lulz so glad not trying to show recognized", then got home and had an email from the recognized show next weekend that they'd found my unsubmitted online entry that I bailed on because $$$ and they were like "hey thanks for the entry you'll get ride times ASAP".
And then I had some margaritas and decided it was a sign and what the hell.
Because let's face it.
Either I'm locking up and riding like shit and screwing up my horse
He's locking up and going like shit at shows because he doesn't get out enough
I don't know, I'm cursed and will always suck at shows.
like the only moment that didn't suck |
And the only way to settle that is to go do a couple opportunity classes and see what happens.
Or maybe that's the margaritas talking.
Maybe they're on to something.
I would say that not getting the tactfully ridden means you are doing better than you think because if the judge thinks it is your riding then it doesn't look like Courage is about to blow his top off. But that is just my 2 cents worth. :)
ReplyDeleteSo the ride Courage is giving you is very, very similar to what Fiction gives me. The tension is insane. Something my instructor gave me to combat it is working on haunches in/out during warmup and basically emphasizing lateral movement. It has really helped to chill him out and give his mind something to think about. I don't know if it would work for Courage, but thought I would throw it out there. Also, you rode him very well. I know how hard it can be to handle that kind of tension in a test. Kudos to you.
ReplyDeleteI would say the "doesnt get out enough" option has my vote? which is not your fault, its just an OTTB thing, IMO. Yankee didnt settle down until after 6 years of constant showing. It was just hard for him. ANd B is batshit insane usually. It happen ans you're doing an amazing job riding the horse you're given. Stop beating yourself up. You are not a lump of shit.
ReplyDeleteYou are riding what you have VERY well, and those margaritas totally know what they're talking about. Showing is a skill, which kind of sucks, but unless we're naturally super talented we all have to practice it. Which means spending a lot of money to go suck. More tequila is usually the answer.
ReplyDeleteDef more margs and shows. Hope the next one goes better.
ReplyDeleteHe actually gets more relaxed the longer you're in that test... his trot was best after the canter work, and his canter is so nice and balanced. He mostly looks like he's not focused on you , which is definitely a skill in a show setting. Hopefully the next one will be better!
ReplyDeleteI agree with jenj- he seems to get more relaxed as you go. Good job ignoring his nonsense in the first lengthening and keeping going in the right general direction! I think more outings will be good for him. Mikey and Penn needed to go out and see all the things too. Good luck next weekend! Glad you're going to go to the recognized show anyway :-) (at least that's what I gathered from the end of the post?)
ReplyDeleteHonestly that just looks like a horse who needs to learn he's ok, and how to take a deep breath. You actually had some moments where he looks great, especially that free walk across the diagonal. It seems like the more you go out and do things, the better it will gradually get.
ReplyDeleteI thought you rode through everything really well. Obviously you can't ask for more if more = craziness. Courage is definitely tense, but I agree with others that he got more relaxed as he went. So maybe he really does just need more miles in the showring?
ReplyDelete"Either I'm locking up and riding like shit and screwing up my horse
He's locking up and going like shit at shows because he doesn't get out enough
I don't know, I'm cursed and will always suck at shows."
I don't think it's ANY of these options.
I vote more margs and shows too.
ReplyDeleteI feel this SO much. Apollo is so good at dressage, but he totally melted down this weekend. Show jumping ain't no thing, but it was a big freakin thing. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI scored a 38 (have I mentioned that d scores on this coast are consistently 5-10 points worse them an in the west? They are. My teacher was confused and surprised when I was appalled at my score, which he said was a very good score. My mind is still blown.) and got a lot of "could be rounder". Then again, the comment was "excellent potential" and "very nice horse", so maybe we're a little good at dressage? I don't know.
Need more data points. Need fewer flail fails - Apollo spun several times before consenting to go in the dressage arena area. He threaten to buck, rear, and bolt all at the same time in SJ warmup the first time.
Shitshow. But hey - if we can do okay on a bad day at a really crowded show with all kinds of crazy idiots in warmup, yknow, maybe we can do better on a better day.
Margaritas and bailey's and breakfast. And loose braids.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna pretend I'm a judge. Here is my comment: "Tactfully ridden." I'd be tense and locked up if I was in that ring too. I agree with plan margarita and get out more... hopefully it's just a miles issue.
ReplyDeleteHey, who am I to argue with tequila? I agree with what Alli & Dino- you made it look like you could do more. :)
ReplyDeleteTell me more about what 66 degrees feels like? I've already forgotten anything but sweat.
ReplyDeleteI see small but important progress happening. Really truly. Would put a meme here if I could but can't so just know that I think you got this!!
ReplyDeleteI'd say do more. I'm too chicken to ride a horse like him, so all I can say is keep at it. Agree with all the Margarita comments :)
ReplyDeleteListen to the margaritas! Just keep at it.
ReplyDeleteIf you're locking up and therefore showing like shit, then going to more shows will be great practice!
ReplyDeleteIf C-rage is locking up and going like shit because he doesn't get out enough, then going to more shows will be great practice!
If you're cursed and will never be able to get good scores at shows, then you will definitely need more data to support this idea, and going to more shows will provide that data!
Solution: MOAR SHOWZZ!!
My vote is margaritas for you and Courage. Seriously though, a good show routine can help a horse's nerves. Plan out a full warmup, time to munch grass and see the grounds, whatever you know he likes and no rushed moments. Oh, and then repeat!
ReplyDeleteMy vote is margaritas for you and Courage. Seriously though, a good show routine can help a horse's nerves. Plan out a full warmup, time to munch grass and see the grounds, whatever you know he likes and no rushed moments. Oh, and then repeat!
ReplyDeleteI love your attitude about this and the other comments. I need to do the same and just sign up for more shows but it's tough I want to just figure out a plan so that it's not tough.