
Monday, August 18, 2014

The 1,000th Post AKA CONTEST TME

Super excited for 1000 posts
It seems like possibly the nerdiest thing ever to have a blog about a strange niche topic with a whole 1000 posts, but here I am.

Rocking the nerdy.

Let's revisit the high points of five years of blogging and see how things have changed both in my horse life and through the blog. And then let's have a contest because I love contests and I can't ever seem to win them, but dammit, someone should. Read the end for details!

Ms Izzy learning to canter under saddle
I started this blog way back in June of 2009. I was newly married, in college, and I had a brand new horse of my very own. I was new to the horse blogging world, but I had kept a personal blog of sorts in highschool. I think that's now buried in the depths of the internet and I'm ok with it. Here's my first post ever on iamthesprinklerbandit: Starting with a little history

 It's really funny to me to look back at these posts now. I don't feel or think or sound like the same person any more. My blog reads like it's written by a clueless college student and it was. This was back before I discovered the joys of pictures in every post or developed my voice and writing style. Blogging is a process, that's for sure.

This is how you jump with three broken bones
Let's zoom ahead a couple of years to June of 2011. I was still working with Izzy, but I was mostly on my own. I took the mare XC schooling with a local trainer and I came away with several broken bones (arm and jaw in a couple places), despite my initial optimisim on the blog: We Conquer XC

This is a fascinating post for me to read. The whole era had me sort of juxtaposed between a lack luster junior career and finding my way as an adult ammy. I loved that mare and I believed the best about her, even though looking back I know that she was absolutely toxic for me. My voice as a blogger has definitely developed and I'm loving the incorporation of pictures, if not my position in any of those pictures. Win some, lose some.

Only the handsomest horse that ever was
2012 brought me to a more training-focused situation and more importantly, to the old man horse who would completely rock the very foundations of my world. Out with Izzy, in with Cuna and onward to my very favorite moments of the Sprinklerbandits blog! Here's the post where I finally accepted what was probably obvious to everyone in my life, from my husband to the clerk at the grocery store: Crossing the Rubicon

I was still apologizing and making excuses for Izzy at that point. I wanted it to work SO FREAKING BAD and it just wouldn't and I couldn't see it. In the post, I say it's because she wasn't a forward horse, but that's really not the case.

We both loved every single minute
Izzy had my number big time and Izzy dialed it EVERY SINGLE DAY. I was scared shitless and I only sort of knew it. This is why I ride you if you have a horse in the same place--I have been there and I know how it feels, but I also know how liberating and awesome and amazing every day can be if you have the right horse for you instead. /soapbox

Cuna completely changed me, not only as a rider, but also as a person. In terms of the blog, I found my confidence and my voice. It's amazing how the posts practically write themselves when you love your horse and it's even more amazing how people respond when you are really, truly happy. One of my favorite legacies of Cuna is the other bloggers he inspired to take that next step and end toxic relationships because we gave them hope for something better.

2013 brought a lot of heartbreak and a little joy. I think most of you have been along for the ride, but for those that are new to the blog, it wasn't pretty. Cuna had to step down from jumping to flat work and from flat work to retirement and even then I couldn't keep him comfortable. It was an absolutely horrific process that I really don't like to talk about right now. I wrote a post about the retirement: Towards Healing

I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from the blog community and I was thankful for each and every one of the comments I received from people who knew the same pain and wanted to be there for me in some way. Cuna touched a lot of lives in a lot of ways and I'm not the only one who misses him.

The best at putting pieces back together
I'm going to editorialize again though and say that if you have a friend going through that sort of horsey hardship, be kind and loving and supportive, but please also do them the honor of assuming they are taking care of their horse. Constant inferences that a grief stricken person just isn't trying hard enough are straight-up cruel. /soapbox #2

2013 also brought the little bay horse into my life that we all know and love. Courage ushered in another era for the SprinklerBandits blog. The only reason  can work with him is because of all the things my old man horse taught me.

It feels like redemption. I'm getting another chance to work on things I screwed up with Izzy and Courage is a really cool guy who isn't trying to kill me. Win win. Courage was introduced in: The Road Goes Ever On and On

2014 has been something of an unparalleled shit show on every possible level of life so far. That said, Courage has been my constant. t's a long process for both of us, but he's gone from being the back up to my #1, which I talk about here: Bonding or It Doesn't All Happen At Once

Blogging has really been a fun process for me. started it as a way to connect with people about my equine journey so I would annoy my husband less. While it certainly does that, I have really loved my ability to track my progress both in training and as a person. I have made some great friends and had good times.

So thank you, readers, for 5 great years and sticking it out for 1000 sometimes great, sometimes average, and frequently scattered posts. I love readers and comments and feedback and I love meeting all of you. If you don't already blog, I'd strongly encourage you to start. It is such a great experience to share your equine journey with friends to encourage you on the sad days and applaud on the happy ones.

Loving those upgraded beads!!
To honor the history of SprinklerBandits, I want to give away one of my all-time favorite products: a custom sparkle browband from Dark Jewel Designs. I love them and so should you!  The prize is one browband of the size/ color you choose. Amelia has graciously offered to include 3 sparkly strands for the browband PLUS NO CHARGE FOR BEAD UPGRADES. :-D.

God. Now I want to win.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post with your favorite blog post from Sprinklerbandits Blog and your email address (or preferred method to be contacted by) and I will do a random drawing one week from today. Entries close Sunday, August 24th at midnight.

Noted: it's enough to remember the content of a post or something. You do not have to provide the specific URL. And yes, you can totally use this post or the last one if you're like "screw this I just want a sparkle browband".


  1. Congrats on 1,000 posts!!!! I never win contests either, but I will try anyway. The ponies could use some new being. You have a whole bunch of posts that could be considered my favorite, so I'll go with one of the most recent ones: Retired not rescued. Seriously, I'm pretty sure the entire racing industry would thank you for that one :)

    1. Ugh. Ponies could use some new bling, not being.

  2. Congratulations on 1,000 posts! To be honest, yours is one of my absolute FAVORITE blogs to keep up with, and Courage is the best at all the things. I love the way you write, and I really love how relateable your equine journey has been.

    I can't enter the contest because I don't have my own bridle or my own horse...insert sad face.

  3. Congrats on 1000 posts! I'm new to blogging and I'm excited to look back at the memories of my herd in a few years. My favorite post was Towards Healing because I have totally been there before.

    My would love some pony bling, it's been a penny pinching kind of year :)

  4. Wow, what a totally sweet post and look back. You have really come so, so, so far.

    A favorite post is hard, so I'm going to do a cop out. I think my favorite post is any one where you posted a photo of Cuna sticking his tongue out. He was such a special dude. :)


  5. Congratulations on 1,000 blog posts! What an achievement!

    I squealed like a little girl when I saw the beaded browband give away - I have one only "nice" bridle and would love a chance to bling it up!! My favorite post(s) from you are actually your "Teach Me Tuesday" posts. I love reading about new processes to horse care and how to apply it. Hearing other people's insight is great - especially since it is coming first hand.

  6. Congratulations on your 1,000th post. I've only been following for about a year now but I've so enjoyed tagging along. For the sake of being corny and mushy, your blog really has inspired me with my own horse because I can relate a lot to what you feel for Cuna. ♥

    And I'm a bling-aholic so of course I must enter, haha! I can't afford anything now because we just bought a farm so giveaways are my besties. ;) My favorite post has to be "Missing Him" it seems like an odd pick for some reason but I swear, I feel the exact same for my boy and relate so much to it.

    And email is: ☺

  7. Congrats on 1000 posts! I've been reading since the Izzy days (though not commenting, because I'm an internet creeper, I guess). My favorite post is the one when you were offered the ride on Cuna ("A New Phase"). You sounded SO EXCITED! And as all sensible people know, older, experienced chestnut geldings are the best. :)

    And my email is

  8. Congrats! My favorite post(s) were the firs few ones with Cuna when you could see that you were getting your confidence back and going on all the fun solo trail rides with your old man horse!

    email is

  9. Wow, 1000 posts! Congratulations!

    Hm, one actual link:
    and one more vague-memory: as Cuna started to go downhill, just how much of your heart was in those posts. I don't think I can pinpoint it to one post, just.. all of them. Heartache and love.

  10. Congrats on 1000 posts! I loved the posts when you were bonding with Courage and seeing the transformation in your relationship with him as Cuna retired. So heartfelt... Email:

  11. Congrats on 1000 posts!! I haven't been reading that long, so I have to say Courage's introduction is my fave!

  12. Congrats on your 1,000th post!

    I'm at work now but when I get home I will totally go through and try to pick a favorite post - I've been reading for so long I don't know what might be my favorite.


      Just comment on my blog if I win and I'll give you my email ;) I'm hesitant to post it.

      Gotta love bling!

  13. Wow, I can't even fathom 1000. I think I'm only somewhere around 80! I think my favorite is the bridle posts, mostly because I'm equally obsessed. Bridle ho's forever. email:

  14. Congrats on 1000! I liked the Crossing the Rubicon post.

  15. Congratulations! =) Not sure if I've told you this before, but its your blog I credit for inspiring me to start Eventing In Color. And you continue to inspire me both with riding and writing.

    I want you to know that I think you are an amazing horsewoman and I apologize if any of my comments have ever bothered you.

    I've read your post Crossing the Rubicon probably 15 to 20 times. It really, really, really helped me identify and come to terms with my situation with Spirit, and ultimately helped me get out of it. It's helped me in a lot of ways, actually. However, my *favorite* post is when you earned the blue ribbon on Cuna - the one with the majestic photo of his face with the blue sky background and the ribbon strands blowing in the wind - because you deserved it. That happiness, that success. That photo and post summed up why we do what we do.

    I am really loving in this post how you are looking back at posts and offering more insight on the situation, now that you have more perspective with the help of time. You continually show me how to get the most out of blogging.

    Sorry for the uber long comment. Again, congrats on 1,000! That is really really awesome and I'll look forward to the 2,000 post contest one day!

    my email is

  16. My favorite post is literally any post with Courage in an awesome outfit. All the matchy and I love it!

    My email is

  17. I can't believe its been 5 years!! I've followed you almost from the beginning and you are definitely my favorite poster in the world wide web if equine blogging (no offense to anyone else!). Possibly because I consider us quite similar in many ways. Love you!

    As for my favorite post. Dear God, there have been so many. I think mine would have to be when you decided to make Cuna your own. I loved watching you grow as a rider and Mr Redman himself.

    Of course, I loved reading about Courage and his story too, but Cuna is extra special.

    email is


  18. Here's my comment! I have always enjoyed your blog and have been reading since the Izzy days. I feel like if we ever met in person that we would be instant friends. You are able to put into words a lot of emotions that I cannot.

    My favorite posts are both the highly emotional ones (like selling Izzy, or the tribute to Cuna) ... but also your fun tack-whore posts and reviews. :)


  19. I loved Dark Jewel Designs and your blog! I think my favorite post is when you introduced Courage.

  20. Sweetheart you have made me laugh and shed some tears but most of all, your blog has allowed me to feel closer to all that is/was familiar to me and not nearly so far away. One of my favorite posts is:
    And after seeing Papa, Prisoner and Miss Diva and Bacon in DJD browbands I can say they are by far the prettiest!!

  21. Wow! Congrats of 1000 posts! It's been such an honor to follow along with you and your three individually special horses and your personal journey too.

    I can't remember exactly which post it was, but I think it was the first time you galloped Cuna on the hills and how electric he felt but how sure you were that he would still take care of you. You truly discovered what it mean to find a horse that would meet you halfway and you two turned into a great team.

    Oh, and Riley totally needs a fancy browband!

  22. Oooo the sparkles. I have a lot of posts I enjoy around here, but one of my favorites is when you took Cuna to a dressage show and were all "but meh we don't really liked dressage" and then went and kicked ass. You looked so happy :)


  23. I do believe you were literally the very first blog I ever followed! My favorite post is you and Cuna's first horse trials together (at least I'm pretty sure it was the first) which I know was awhile ago, but I remember it because your dressage was banging, your stadium was boss, and your cross country was fearless. But mostly I remember it because of that epic Cuna and his blue ribbon picture. Cuna <3!

  24. Wow, 1000 posts! My favorite is probably: :)


  25. I'm going to go with Crossing the Rubicon, because I accidentally titled a post the same about a year or so later - and because our journeys have been so similar. Apollo is cut from the same cloth as Cuna and Prisoner: a healer horse. I'm so grateful for all three of them and the lessons they've taught us all.

    You know how to get ahold of me. :)

  26. I love ALL.THE.POSTS. Seriously, I look forward to reading everyday. Your journey is such an inspiration. You just get it, all of it and I love that. You get greenies, you get the value of a schoolmaster, you get the progression, you get the loss, you get the love, the fear, the joy. I could go on and on. My fave post is your ammy hour on that Nicku and Pongo pair...just kidding! My fave post is of (very) recent is The Ammy Dillema. It was just real and right. I also remember the one where Courage found that 6" step Impozzible to cross (so funny). I've followed since Izzy days and have enjoyed every minute. No need to enter us for the brow band, my loud spotted kid wears plain tack, but I wanted to give you some loves regardless. Congrats on 1000!

  27. Ok, I really do want the sparkle browband, but that's not why this is (one of) my favorite post(s). I am a fairly recent reader, and I really appreciated the summary!

  28. That is some serious posting! Congrats, I've loved following the journey of your broken and healing heart and learning to love Courage. These horses make and break us. My favorites have been named by many others, the blue ribbon with the red man and Courage's intro. I also loved the guest post from Ellie memorializing Cuna, I cried so hard. On a happier note, all the sparkles!

  29. I actually really like this post and the reflection in it, which makes it one of my favorites. (I've only been blogging for a year and a half but what started as a lack-luster "this will probably be a chore" idea has really given me an outlet to at least chronicle my ups and downs if not connect with other horsey people so this post is really inspiring to me). Plus the first picture is so damn cute!

  30. Congrats on 1000 posts! I don't need a browband, but I enjoy your blog because it offers me a fun glimpse into the lovely world of horses while still giving me an honest reminder that I'm really not as horsey a person as my 9 year old self thought I was. :)

  31. Congratulations! I love your blog because it inspires me to keep going although B and my blogging experience is so small. I can't remember the name of the post, something like "Healing Thoughts" was probably one of my favorites. I love the relationship, up AND downs, with Cuna. I can really appreciate everything you had to say with your journey. And to see you build what you have with Courage, takes a lot of just that, courage. <3

  32. Awesome! Chester may be a gelding but he might look good with some bling. I love this one because as a fairly recent reader(last year) it's nice to know your history. Really, a lot of your posts are great. :) Thanks for hosting and congratulations.

  33. What an awesome contest! I've loved following along on your journey with your horses, you were one of the first bloggers I followed! I think one of my more recent favorite posts was the series on bridles that you did. Love the tack whore posts in general ;)

    1. Oops, forgot my email:

  34. Congrats on the 1000! I adore the pictures of Courage in March this year, love watching how he learns so quickly with the jumps! I lie, I love all the posts and pictures. But if I had to chose a post it would be JUMP ALL THE THINGS with those leaping photos <3

  35. I just read "Crossing the Rubicon" for the first time and I am in tears...I have been following you since you started with Courage and didn't know about your beginnings. I too have a my heart-and-soul mare that I have had for 7 long years, waiting for that "next year is going to be amazing!" but never getting there. Never, because of fear. Every ride feels like I am thinking of how to prepare her so she doesn't kill me. Those rare days when she is good, it is incredible and I can see a future so bright. This week I actually started to let in doubt and thought of the dreaded words--give up. I am not sure what to do.
    I am so happy you found your Cuna and I know you are going to be amazing with Courage!

  36. Congratulations on 1000posts, that is fantastic - i love reading your posts and always learn something form them!
    I was a newcomer to your blog during the Cuna hardship, but have been along for the whole Courage ride and have absolutely adored following your progress with him (ups & downs) and seeing him help you begin to heal.
    I do not have a favourite post - but i guess I'd have to go with your Courage year 1 recap - just because as you dais SPRAKLY BROWBAND!!!!

    I cannot wait for loads more posts to keep following your wonderful stories - thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us!

    aoife (dot) smada @ gmail (dot) com

  37. I've come very close to ordering a blingy browband several times since you posted a review on yours. Would be nice to win so I can stop almost buying, lol.

    Reading your blog has really helped give me a way to consider how I want to spend the time I have with my older horse, Phoenix. He is very special to me and I know that some day he will leave a huge whole in my heart even bigger than the one that was made during the 9 years he wasn't a part of my life. My life with him is not about achievements (he already won me plenty of ribbons and trophies in his younger days!), it's about enjoying our time together. I do sometimes apply this feeling to Stampede as well, as our life together has been one crazy journey. I have no idea what will happen with his back long term but I never take our riding time for granted. He's with me for life, whether I can sit on his back or not!

    Sorry that got long fast!

  38. I'm in Africa, so no entry for me, but I'll stop in and say thanks for the blog anyway. You inspire me as a blogger and as a horsewoman. I teared up reading this post again because I miss Cuna, too, but Courage is amazing. "The best at putting the pieces back together" - yeah that started the waterworks pretty good.

  39. Woman, if I draw you a picture of me winning the sparkles, can I just win the sparkles? I say that is fair. As far as favorite posts? That's a tough one.I do like the post where you and Cuna did the event derby, because you made friends with the camera girl...meeeee!

  40. Congrats on the 1000 posts! I often read, but I am just kind of a lurker who doesn't post very often. I've often posted comments, but deleted them because I'm a weirdo.
    My favorite post was from February 6, 2012 "A New Phase" It was the first appearance of your big red pony.

  41. Congrats on 1000 posts!

    I really enjoyed the posts on bridles you did, but my favorite was Part 5 - Care. Because I may not have a horse, but I've got a saddle... and it's going to have the best, darn it!

    Email: sandrayln2 (at) gmail (dot) com

    (sorry for the two deleted comments... apparently I cannot actually type my own email address today...)

  42. I'm echoing a few others here - really loved the posts on bridles. But pretty much any of your tack posts are awesome and insightful. And actually, all your videos.... haha really just don't ever stop blogging!

  43. I can't pick a fav but I love the superbowl posts with the feathers on Courage. I always thought that was so original and cute!

  44. Congrats on 1000 posts!! I absolutely love your blog, it's hard to pick a favorite post. I loved all your pictures of you and Cuna taking on the big white oxer together.

  45. While I've never commented, I've been a reader/lurker. I loved all the posts about regaining your confidence on both Cuna and Courage. I'm in a similar place with my jumping - confidence after some fails. But I've found me the right horse, a gorgeous man named Jar Jar Binks. :) Congrats on 1000 posts! You've been an inspiration.

    My email is .

  46. Congratulations on your 1,000th post! It's so cool to see how far you've come. I think I liked the post where you wrote about finding the fun and relaxation in riding again with Cuna.

    Having had my own time with a horse that I was scared to ride, I could really relate with your discoveries about how there are some horses that love being your partner and others that need convincing... And it's not always worth your time or confidence to be the one doing that convincing!

    Thanks for the giveaway, I'd love to be entered. My boy sure could use some bling, we are just try to upgrade his gear... I think I'm turning into a tack ho! ;P


    bonita of A Riding Habit

  47. I'm not sure if I have a true favorite, but I loved hearing about all your new adventures with Courage, like taking him on his first trail ride, and his sporty horse clip job (stars were fab). Congrats on 1000 posts!

    1. Opps, my email is

  48. Any of your posts about regaining your confidence on Cuna and how much he brought to the table to teach you. My red mare was much the same for me, teaching me things and most importantly how to relax and enjoy the ride. Congratulations on your 1000th post. You've come a LONG way.

  49. Love your blog- I have four OTTBs, three that are worked, and they could use some bling on those pretty bay heads!
    Love this post! Really find it useful and valuable to my training, in and out of the saddle(and court, classroom, etc). I tend to be a major pessimist, with a perfectionist streak that won't let me rest or let go of something. "perfect practice makes perfect" is taken too seriously by myself...

  50. I adore you, this blog, Cuna and Courage, and 1000th post giveaways.

    My favorite post of yours is the happy horse evangelist post, but I also love the one that dissected the perfect jump on Cuna.

    You know how to find me if the big red horse over here is lucky enough to get his own sparkle browband. He has almost no forelock so he needs something going on up there.

  51. Yeah, I sifted through two years of your blog to find the post I was thinking about. Haha. Your blog means a lot to me, because I felt so personally invested in it, I almost stopped reading it because it was miserable to see how things with Izzy were not right. My own fear issues due to being overmounted made yours hard to read! This: where you first admitted starting to like jumping again, still not knowing whether you were going to end up with Cuna or Izzy would be leased out or what, but you were enjoying yourself jumping again - that was when it felt like you turned the corner and I was cheering for you from my laptop! A close runner up is your 4 month tribute post a few months later. Congratulations on 1,000 posts!

    1. You have my email address already, and I'd rather not post it out in the open!

  52. I love all your progression posts so I don't have a specific favorite. Like I love the one you posted recently about Courage's jumping progress. The one about his flat progression and the same back through Cuna! I love them the best, so nice to see it all laid out nicely. Plus you just rock.

  53. Congrats!!!

    I have two favs.. When you started going to the track with friends, I knew you were going to fall in love with someone!! And the bridle post!

  54. I really liked the posts from way back when, when you were discovering a whole new world of jumping and riding possibilities with Cuna. It was especially great to see, since your mare had stripped so much of your confidence for jumping, etc.! it was cool watching the right horse help you "rebuild." In that vein, I really related to your recent post about FEAR. How irrational it is. How it creeps up like a thief in the night (just after you thought you had it behind bars for good,--wily bastard! lol)! After a bad fall on Jackson in 2007, my own 'passenger" shows itself occasionally, soI really thought that was a great post! I also love your tack review posts, ya' know, us tack whores just LOVE hearing about other's experiences, since sometimes you can't just have ALL THE THINGS..... Happy #1,000 post; just wanted to let you know I read, though I don't comment too much! I never win anything, (really), but I can't wait to see the winner's cool brow band! Take care, Mindy

  55. I like this post and just want the sparkly brow band because I can wear it to nursing school on my backpack and impress my friends.They will think I have a horse.

  56. You have two readers named Mindi. This is insane. There just aren't that many Mindi's. One of us should win. Definitely.

  57. All the blingy things!! Love it :D
    I can't remember a specific post right now, but I've really liked your posts recently about Adult Amateurs and their place in the world. And, sorry, but whenever you have trouble with Courage, l read every post two or three times because I have many of the same troubles with my horse. Love your blog!!

    My email is

  58. My favorite post is when you acknowledged that Courage would never replace Cuna, but you could start a whole new chapter together.
    Bucky Needs some Bling

  59. I can't think of a specific post, but I always loved reading your reviews on products but particularly on any bridles or bits or cavesson styles, etc. Love hearing different opinions on all the things we put on our equine partners!
    Love the blog, thank you for writing :)

  60. I have two favs: where Cuna became yours, and when Courage became yours. Because, you know, Cuna and Courage. :)

  61. I was going to go find my favorite post but since I have "Horse Show Brain" right now I'm must going to say that this one is my favorite. ;-)

  62. I love sparkly things! Congratulations on 1,000 posts!

  63. Dying to know......who wins bling!?!?!? It's really hard to wait! Not liking the suspense! :)

  64. Wow what a cool post... so well written! And soap box number 2? That's my biggest fear with wiz. Although Saturday I cantered all around the mini xc field and even jumped the things (well just the little ones, in a dressage saddle, but you know) and he was such a good boy no bucks or misbehaving at all! So hopefully it was just a baby thing not a he's not the right horse for me thing... because I love him. One of my favorite posts was the post about how training is not linear, but really I love any post you do when you're so positive towards your horse(s) even when it would be easy to be mad or let down! You always remind me to stay focused on the little successes and cherish all of my guy, even the quirky parts that sometimes drive me up a wall. Congrats, love to see how you've grown.

  65. Congrats on 1000 posts. That is so awesome! :D Sadly being behind on reading blogs means I miss out on the contest, but I don't care because I loved reading this post.
