
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

and jumping and dressage and head ASPLODE

still looks kickass in jump tack
Courage and I have had a bit of a rough year jumping--apparently there's not a lot of wiggle room over fences if you spend a month not turning right. Toss in a couple of bad decisions on my part, a heavy show schedule, and lessons with mixed success, and well, whatever you get is what I have right now.

So Monday seemed like a fantastic day to set a couple of fences that weren't technical questions and just see what we needed.

always looking fabulous
I was THRILLED with Courage--he was honest. He was easy. He wasn't rushing or jetting off into the sunset or flinging himself around and flipping me the bird, all of which are reactions we've worked through this year.

And then I watched the video. And I was like "wtf why did it switch to slow mo?"

Annnnnnd then there was that awkward moment where I realized that it hadn't and yes, I really did just go that slow.


But hear me out!

In dressage, I'm working on changing his balance around to prepare for the lengthenings we'll see at first level. He has to stay in that longer frame and still move across the ground, which takes a whole different kind of strength than jamming up his topline and scooting (default) or even going long and low and slow (training level dressage).



bridle collection level excellent
I can and have just kicked Courage forward and jammed him around jumper courses, but it's not fun for either of us and leads to explosive unhappiness. But now? I'm starting to develop the tools I need to get Courage to still cover ground and go forward, but without the tension that characterizes past jumping efforts.

Between that and our jump instructor's very methodical training?


We might actually get this horse broke.


  1. Courage looks like a pro in that video. All your hard work and perseverance is paying off my friend!

  2. Gahhhh, that video is SO EXCELLENT. You and Courage are both calm, relaxed, laid-back and easy, which makes for a very positive jumping experience. Good for you!!

    Also, I LOVE that change towards the end of the video :)

    1. If I actually ride forward, he has clean changes.

  3. He looks AMAZING. I love his confidence - both in his brain and in his body. Looking good!!

  4. Really good work right here. I'm learning this myself - all that stuff they say about building a solid foundation on the flat with jumping horses might actually be true? Who knew?!

  5. He looks so good in that video! Turning right and all! :) Go Courage!

  6. He looks so broke and grown up here! Lead changes and all :)

  7. You're doing SUCH a nice job with him!

  8. Girl! THAT LEAD CHANGE! Beautiful!

  9. You guys looks great! It looks so easy for you guys now and it looks like you're becoming a great team :)

    Just don't tell Courage you have a plan to get him broke haha

  10. that video might be the easiest he's ever looked to ride, which imo is kinda saying something!

  11. Dressage for all the things. Just sayin'... ;)

  12. I can't even think about first level right now, yall are killing it

  13. He looks so.....comfortable. Relaxed. =) Very nice.

  14. As I have learned, you can always go faster ;)

  15. There's nothing wrong with slow and relaxed at this point. It's a good place that you can build from. You're doing a good job with him!

  16. Clearly I am a hunter at heart, because I had to rewatch the video like 5 times after you said it was slow and am still like um, it looks normal to me? Also, yay lead changes!

    1. I think it might have actually played in slow motion on my phone when I first watched it. It doesn't look as bad to me now, but I definitely need to move him a little more forward.

  17. So pretty! Very hunter-y :)

  18. Look at you guys go! :)
