
Monday, July 13, 2015

Domination. Belt buckles. Flowers.

on the other hand, this is adorable
Sometimes I think I have completely the wrong horse for me--Courage is a picture perfect event horse and well, I'm not an eventer.

But then I realize that if someone took Courage and stuck him in a program and drilled him every day, I think he'd flunk out. He abhors pressure, revolts against coercion, and is easily bored by repetition. He is perhaps the quintessential pro ride, in that he thrives on being ridden 2-3 days a week with lots of time to think and holds fitness easily, but no pro on earth wants a 10 year old OTTB with a stubborn streak.

one handed. oh yeah.
Which leaves me. Who is still not eventing.

I mean, we're chasing our dressage goals and planning some jumping domination less-suckiness and eventual lessons, right? A big obstacle I've identified to Courage progressing in dressage is that his overall balance is level and we need to shift it slightly uphill.

yeah he's dashing
So Friday was an intense (for us) dressage ride and Courage brought his A game. Which meant Saturday was a rest day and Sunday was (everyone's favorite!) western day!!

The whole point is just to walk on a loose rein, stretch out, and relax. While hacking around all the spooky spots on the property and over the mini ditches.

Oh, and conniving a way to win a belt buckle. That's another bucket list item for you. My latest plan involves joining the riding club about a half mile down the road that has gymkhana nights and trail competitions and most likely being kick ass at trail.

flowers? yes
I can justify it by saying that it's to get Courage more exposure and help build our trust/relationship, but let's be real: any excuse to dress this handsome blaze face up sounds like a good idea to me.

Frankly, I'm hoping he gets broke enough that I have an excuse to buy these sweet spurs I found...


  1. He looks so cute as a western pony, I loves!
    I also loveeee fancy western spurs. I won mine, but I dream of a fancy custom pair with my name.

  2. yes Courage absolutely needs a belt buckle added to his collection!

  3. Pro-ride, schmo-ride. Same difference. You're doing fine, and Courage is appreciating the program (even if he doesn't show it every day).

    I approve of the western stuff. I take Pig for trail rides and gallops after a week of heavy collection work. It's good for them to stretch out and relax under saddle, too. I also like to make Pig cross water a lot. He hates crossing water. I feel like I'm telling him "Just think, yesterday you thought lowering your right hip was hard... now what's difficult you bastard?!" ;)

  4. He looks awesome in Western tack, and you definitely need a big shiny honking belt buckle!

  5. I literally have those exact spurs!

  6. He is just so stinkin' cute in the western headstall!!

  7. Hehe, winning belt buckles is fun!

  8. I love how you handle Courage's program, lots of different stuff, not a lot of monotonous ring work. That's sort of what I aim for too. Dressage horse who jumps and goes on trail rides and sometimes gets ridden bareback while I drink wine. Very, very professional, serious program. PLEASE win a belt buckle!! I don't think I would have that opportunity in NJ.

  9. No shame in buckles!!! Win them all, by whatever means! I think you're not a lunging fan but sometimes that can help build the top line muscles that help with the uphill stuff without having to be on him riding, even 1 day/week can help. Pongs been maintaining his muscling with just twice weekly sessions on the lunge with my draw reins gadget, no riding.

  10. This post makes me want a Nocona belt.

  11. He looks cute in western tack! And love those spurs
