
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First Day of School

We did some last minute school shopping. 
Cleaned all the tack, rolled all the polos, and picked up the things we weren't using anymore.
clean pads stacked where the jump saddle used to go
Tidied up the tack trunk.
I even recruited Lindsey to come out and take some last minute back-to-school photos.
so fancy!
I can't be at the barn for all our trainer rides, which I think is better--I trust my trainer and I want her to get to know C without me hovering or coloring her experience (well, sometimes) (and possibly I'm stalking my phone for an update). I'm also trying to use my (gasp!) barn-less days to do some personal development. I restarted pilates and my making some hopefully-sustainable life cahnges to allow me to be a better rider for Courage.
ooooo canter!
We're in the cool place of needing training rides not because Courage is wild and crazy and hard to deal with, but because he's doing awesome and ready to move on. Really excited to see where this phase takes us.


  1. Hmmm if Stinker is in school year round does he still need back to school shopping?

    I'm impressed that you can let go and not be there. I don't think that I would be able to do it, at least not in the beginning. Can't wait for more school updates! (At least pony school...children meh)

  2. Looking forward to back to school updates! These are the only kind that interest me, not the ones about tiny humans, haha.

  3. Happy back to school day!! So excited for you guys!! :D

  4. Happy first day of school C-Rage!!

  5. Back to school horse shopping.. I like it! haha

    Hope Courage likes his teacher and learns lots in his time at school!

  6. Exciting times ahead. I hope he doesn't end up in Detention. :)

  7. I can't wait to hear how it goes! Still so excited about this :) but also. Those blue pants and blue stirrups are perfect lol

  8. Yay! Can't wait to hear about his first report card!

  9. Yay! Can't wait to hear about his first report card!

  10. Happy first day of school, Courage!

  11. Yay for both of you! I'm looking forward to hearing more about how he does in school :)
