
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tapping Out

We've done it. 

I have Courage reliably(ish) schooling first level. He's starting to feel like a trained horse when I ride him and more often than not, I can talk him out of his worst shenanigans.

You know what that means?

Uncharted waters.

See, I've never ridden past (or at, really) first level. I haven't had weekly lessons since I was a kid. I've never had a horse in professional training.

I have taken Courage as far as I can on my own, which means now I need help. I'm fortunate enough this month that I can afford to stick him in half training with our (amazing) trainer for September.

That's right folks--for the first time in my life, I'm a paying client with a horse in training. We can do a mix of rides and lessons and I'm not sure what exactly it's going to look like, BUT the important thing is that both Courage and I can advance our training together.

Omg. High roller status here.


  1. Yay! Courage has come so far with you. I'm excited to see what the future holds for you guys.

  2. i love this - your trainer seems to have such a solid grasp of both you and the horse, and the program that works for you both. can't wait to see how it goes!!

    1. She's really quite amazing. We're both high functioning and one of us bites. GUESS WHICH.

  3. Baller status!!! I'm excited to see where you guys go! Very exciting.

  4. CONGRATS!!! what an exciting time :D

  5. Boom. This is the part where it's kind of fun, until you have to try to replicate their results and you're like well wtf.

    1. Haha yeah especially at first because I think she's going to do both rides for a while so I'll just watch and be like "witchcraft. clearly."

  6. lolololol byeeeee money. But its a goof cause

  7. oohh i am excited to read upcoming much fun YAY for you (and Courage)!

    1. Blog: today my trainer rode my horse and I watched.

      Blog: today my trainer rode my horse and I couldn't make it.

      You're very optimistic. ;-)

  8. Wow!! Can't wait to see where this takes you guys.

  9. Ahhh this is so exciting! Can you even believe you guys are finally at this point!?

  10. Congrats on getting to this point! I've never done the horse in training thing either, let me know how it goes :)

  11. Lessons are probably my favorite way to spend money. Horse shows are fun, new breeches are nice, but lessons, lessons are fun, challenging, and stick with you. Can't wait to see where you guys go from here!

  12. There's nothing better than getting super stuck on something and just being able to hand your horse off and say, "Fix it. And when it's fixed, show me how to fix it myself." You know, instead of being like, "ARGHBLARGHEDKJ, WTFFFFFFF!!!!1!"

  13. It's always fun to get to this point! Yesterday I had a moment where I was like damn! I couldn't ride in a straight line that well this time last year - booyah!

    Glad you're enjoying it!

    1. I really hate when I'm like "omg we're so good at stuff now" and then non-horsey people ask what we do and I have to admit it's w/t/c in a circle.

      Yeah that's cool right?

  14. What a great opportunity!! Exciting stuff fo sho!

  15. So exciting that not only have you brought him this far yourself, but that now you have a trustworthy trainer to help you both make it farther!

  16. That's so awesome! (: Congratulations! My guy just started professional training last week, and it's been fantastic so far.

  17. Congrats! You have got him looking so good... looking forward to what is in store for you both!
