Friday, March 14, 2014

Show Organizations: Yea or Nay?

This needs to happen
As I looked at my long list of fun horse show ideas for the year, I realized that I need to make a decision about the show organizations. Obviously, I can only accumulate points for potential year end awards if I join. Also obviously, my horse is ridiculously green and we'll probably be starting with crossrails and working our way up, which means we probably won't have specific points in any one division.

This makes winning a year end award anywhere from "hard" to "impossible".

Hm... I know the local dressage and eventing association usually offers clinic discounts to members, so I will probably join because if I do both clinics I'm planning on, it will pay for itself. The H/J organization I'm less sure of. It's more expensive to join, but I will probably go to more of their shows, which theoretically means higher chances of some sort of fancy ribbon. It's hard to say.

I guess I don't believe in giving money to organizations just because. If it isn't going to pay for itself through actual financial dividends (like clinic discounts or reduced show fees), I'm hard pressed to sign that check and mail it away.

Who wants to logic me around to another point of view? What has your local show organization done for you lately?


  1. My rule of thumb is that I join organizations that I feel strongly about supporting but I don't join "just because." This is one part because I'm on a tight budget and one part because year-end awards don't matter much to me (and one part because I'm a lazy bum; there are two local groups that I keep meaning to join but haven't quite gotten around to it.) FWIW!

  2. I usually join an organization as long as I'm going to show just due to the fact that you're usually charged non-member fees anyway and I think it's a little easier to keep updated on events and clinics. However, I haven't been showing enough lately to justify a really high local membership fee and probably wouldn't pay one unless I was going to do at least three or four shows in that area. We move around so much that I would have to pay for memberships in at least three different areas/states per year, which could get ridiculously pricey pretty fast.

  3. I'm no help because I never join any organizations because I don't show enough to quality for year end awards anyway. But you do make a good point in joining for the clinic discount.

  4. We have to join our local hunter/jumper org if we want to show, that makes it a no brainer. It's also very cheap which helps.

  5. I don't officially NEED to join the USEA (since I'll likely only be competing at BN/N), but it does have it's perks for sure.

  6. I join my local dressage GMO because my USDF membership is cheaper through them. They also do discounts on some schooling shows, which is nice. I spring for a USEF membership because the 5% I get discounted at Smartpak really adds up, and I can waive the fees for recognized shows.

    I don't go for year end awards with USDF/USEF because those are really hard to get. Instead, I go for standing with my GMO. Plus getting awards with USDF requires a different sort of membership for both Guinness and myself (confused yet?).

    Whew. It's not cheap, but it's not too bad, either.

  7. I usually only register for USEF/USHJA because all the shows in my area are rated, and I don't want to pay a $30+ non-member fee at every show.

    1. Also, you might check out how many shows/points horses in the top 5 or 6 got last year in your local h/j association. In my area, it takes at least 12 shows to be in the points... which I do NOT do that many lol

  8. I'm not a member of anything, and I only would join if it makes financial sense in terms of the shows' non-member fees and clinic discounts, etc. For example, I'm only doing 3 registered horse trials this year at BN level. The non-member fee is $25 per show, so x3 = $75. Membership is $85 per year. If I was planning to do 4 registered shows, then I'd have joined before the 1st show. Likewise for my local dressage society it's only $10 per show non-member fee, and $70 per year to join as a member. I sure ain't doing 7 shows, so not gonna join.

    I love the idea of joining the groups to (a) help support them because they do good things and (b) feeling more like part of a group which I enjoy. But at this point in my finances, it just comes down to whatever is the most affordable.

    1. Sarah, I totally agree and actually did not even do a BN recognized HT with Solo because I had other options at that level that did not make it worth it. I did one with Encore though, mostly to see how he would handle the atmosphere.

      But I wanted to warn you, check the new rulebook for this year!!!! I was looking up some things to make sure I am up to date for judging next weekend and I thought I read that BN riders are now required to be full members and they are doing away with the fee.

      Double check, I could be wrong, but I didn't want you to get stuck!!

  9. I have done USHJA/ USEF/ NorCal in the past because there is a non member fee at rated shows and it you're showing enough that cost can add up.
    That being said- when I had my BIG YEAR OF SHOWS in 2012 I showed in the Long Stirrup division that was part of a non rated show that ran alongside the A show in the same facility. So there was no need for the memberships.
    I won't register again this year because we won't be doing enough shows to have the cost of the membership displaced by fees.

  10. We pretty much have to join if we want to can't really help you there.

  11. In my area certain association memberships are mandatory, depending on what level you show. They are fairly reasonably priced. There are insurance benefits and some discounts, plus publications that keep you in the loop.

  12. The only organization I join is the USEA. We have a local schooling show that does year end awards but there are no membership fees so it is a win-win.

  13. I definitely agree in that I am VERY selective about who gets my money (in large part because it is imaginary!!).

    As for show organizations, I am with Amanda, USEA gets the minimum amount required of me to maintain my membership. They have some things I strongly disagree with but at the same time, they also have one of the greatest gifts in my horsey life, the Adult Rider program. So I ALWAYS pay my AR dues, as I get a LOT from that and I generally start out every year with a supporting membership w/ USEA (both horses are registered there).

    I don't upgrade to a full USEA membership unless I 100% know I am going to enter a recognized HT. I would like to, but at the extremely high cost, I have to know we are ready. And with the amazing development of an excellent schooling HT series year-long at Carolina Horse Park, that is a much more viable option at a lower price/risk factor that does not require full membership.

    I do not join any local organizations. (1) Cost. I wouldn't mind supporting NCDCTA, they are a good program, but I cannot afford to do so for the fun of it. Plus (2) the only benefit to me would be point eligibility and I am honest enough to know that at this point, our level of training is not at 'we will win all the thingz!" but rather at 'we will be safe, learn, build our partnership' and I do not care about scores enough to throw money at it.

  14. I renew my Welsh Pony and Cob Society of America one every year so that Connor can show at their shows and earn points for his sire and breeder. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't renew it. I have the bare minim for the USEA, the free registration for both of us. It's cheaper to pay the non-member BN fee until we do I think 4 rateds per year. I'd love to be a member of the local eventing association, but it's just more money that I'd rather put toward entry fees.

  15. I've only joined local series, they are $25 or $40 for the year, so not that spendy. And I do usually qualify for the year end goodies (last year I was high point winner) so makes it worth it for sure. I also want to support them so they keep putting on the shows I want to go to. But I wouldn't just throw $ at them if I wasn't participating ;).

  16. I know with ADS, membership is $75 and if you enter a CDE without being a member, your nonmember fee $30 or $35 is applied towards membership if you do join later on in the year. Nonmembers are not covered by their insurance at the events. Check the club info for more details. It never hurts to know.


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