Monday, March 5, 2018

The Most Important Thing

When Zoe and I embarked on this adventure together, I was told one thing. 

If a draft mare loves you, she'll do anything for you.

But if she doesn't, she won't give you the time of day.
a thinking picture
I've let that shape my thinking in how I approach ZB every day.

The little lady is talented and has a fantastic work ethic and is delightful to be around. I don't doubt for a minute that she'll hit all the performance goals I set for us.
plus toodling
We have a lifetime to do those things together.

We only get one shot at our first year together.
I don't just want to be the person who shows up at the barn and pushes and pushes and pushes to hit some arbitrary performance goal.

The whole point of having a Zoe was to have a horse that could be fun every day.

And then to have fun every day.
I haven't put a saddle on Zoebird in upwards of two weeks. I haven't even looked at an entry form for a show.

We spend a lot more time hanging out than "working".

But the other night we were wandering around the outdoor arena in the the dark together.

Zoe had a good spook and took off towards the gate.

I said, "hey lady".

And she turned.

Trotted up to me.

And all was right with our world.
finding our footing
There are so many places to go and things to do. 

And we'll go to the places and do the things eventually.

But right now, it's just about us becoming us. 


  1. 😍😍😍 feelings, always with the feelings.

  2. I think its amazing how your love for Zoe just pours out. You two were so obviously made for each other.

  3. Replies
    1. It's amazing what a difference the right horse makes.

  4. I am in such a similar place with my new young guy. I don’t know if it’s because they’re young and talented or have that personality or if it’s a good match or a change in my perspective.... or maybe a combination of all the above, but it’s really, really nice to get back to the basics of why I love horses and riding ❤️

  5. What a wonderful, profound moment.

    1. <3 As if I wasn't enough of a mush about her already, right?

  6. I have to agree with you on the draft mare needing to like you point. May has been known to be absolutely awful... but she has saved my butt more times than I can count. So I give the cookies... until I have given so many, I can't count them all. :-)

    1. Ha yeah I don't doubt for a second that ZB could be hell on wheels if she decided you were shitty to her.

  7. Love this! And so true… sometimes it’s just nice to have no plan except spend lots of quality time with your pony :)

  8. that partnership is where it's at for sure - you'll never regret spending this time building a strong foundation! and totally agreed that showing up to push for arbitrary goals is pointless. if they're arbitrary they must not be very important, right?

    1. It's a funny mindset switch, but I can literally watch her learn to trust me and try for me and it gives me all the feelings.


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