too cute to be believed |
Yeah, we're rocking the 90s pop blog titles lately. Sorry not sorry.
I don't really know where to start. Some of you probably remember when I took my teensy puppy out for barn day and got to play dressage (poorly) on blogger
Micaylah's horse.
I absolutely loved her saddle, though it didn't make me look that much like a dressage rider. Oh well.
obviously, he's fine |
Anywho. Courage and I have been playing dressage in a jump saddle this winter. My instructor assures me it's fine--it won't make me a dressage rider, but Courage can certainly learn the necessary skills at this level without specialized tack.
It's certainly been fun.
Buuuut I have taken dressage lessons before and I know it's easier when when you ride like a proper dressage rider and dressage shows are on our goal list this year.
yeah. just keep thinking that. |
I'll admit to having poked around online for cheap saddles, but nothing struck my fancy and I hate cheap tack and fit is such a crapshoot.
And then there was the slight problem of Micaylah wanting to sell her old saddle. I asked about it, but apparently she wanted money for it and money is not so much for me right now.
But what harm could possibly come of me taking it on trial, right? I mean, if it doesn't fit her and her giant super wide horse, there's no way it will fit me and my average medium horse.
Am I right?
and lipstick |
I put it on Courage by myself the first day and it looked pretty perfect. I sat in it and my butt sang songs of happiness.
There may have been butterflies.
But that was just me on my own. It's been like two years since I've sat in a dressage saddle correctly and I knew for certain I was doing it wrong.
I didn't want to commit to anything (plus the whole cash flow thing) and I'm not 100% comfortable fitting saddles without a second pair of eyes.
that time i accidentally bought polka dot polos |
So I dragged Micaylah out to the barn. Now you might say it's a conflict of interest because she's the one trying to sell it, but bear in mind she has to live with me if I hate it... so I was ok with that risk.
She liked the fit on Courage just as much as I did.
We poked around with it (on my hotass freshly clipped horse) and then tacked up.
Complete with cookie monster bonnet because **** you, January.
the best at stretchy trot |
Micaylah talked us through some dressaging, which was fun (SIT UP LEG DOWN OMG WOULD YOU SIT UP ALREADY)
She also took pictures, but dark and blurry indoor+iPhone will only get you just so far apparently.
At any rate, Courage looked and felt fantastic. Plus some of the pictures are blurry enough that I don't look THAT terrible. Yay!
So. Micaylah is taking payments and I'm buying a dressage saddle.
if you squint a little, i could be dressaging. squint harder. |
Wait, what?
How is it that I suddenly have a friend whose cast offs I want?
If you need me, I'll be over here playing with my saddle and pretending I look all glamorous and German instead of like a dumpy American who can not haz dressage.