Monday, September 25, 2017

Goals, Updated

I keep getting asked what my goals with Zoe are.

I don't really know how to answer that.

The whole point of Zoe was to do something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and have a horse that I could just have fun on, every single day.
trail ride!
And like.
first ride!
I do that already.
Sure, I have my long-term bucket-list type goals (event above BN, get my bronze medal on a horse I trained), but it has never mattered less to me whether those happen or not.

She nickers at me every day. She meets me at the gate. She trots up to me in the field. She's always game for an adventure.
So yeah, I mean. I guess we have goals. It's just that we're already achieving them.


  1. I'm glad you're having so much fun with Zoe and she's exactly what you needed.

  2. Love this post. I say the same thing about my current sport pony Jet Set. He's always happy to see me, totally engaged and attentive whenever I am near, always tries his heart out under saddle, and is just so much more fun than any other horse I have ever had. He is not the fancy warmblood I saw myself with but he makes me smile every time I see him...

  3. Goals are great but not if they take over your life. You are meeting the most important goal of all- building a relationship with Zoe.

  4. I had written out something that got deleted when it didn't like my username...

    After getting burned-out in high-school (then losing my pony... my trainer... and barn), I didn't have access to consistent riding for years. Fast forward to college when I join my university's riding team and for whatever reason, my mindset had "reset" and my only prerogative was just being able to ride.

    Then health issues bla bla bla/no horsey time, but I'm finally healthy enough to be riding consistently again and I just enjoy every second of it. Joy, connection and learning are completely worthwhile goals in themselves beyond what's quantitative.

    1. Gotta appreciate the little things or the big things don't matter at all.

  5. Ummm "have fun with ZB" seems like an awesome goal to me! Also, from what you've said about her it would be nearly impossible not to!

  6. I'm glad you've gotten "back to the roots" so to speak of owning a horse. Reminds of me of my high school days when I just wanted to be around horses and loved every minute <3 So simple and so wonderful

    1. I always say I'm 12, so I think that puts me in middle school? ;-)

    2. Wanna play with glitter and unicorns? Oh, wait, we're already doing that.
      Zoe is already goals, so you're good!

  7. it's so awesome you're already where you wanted to be with Zoe!

    1. I mean. Power steering would be nice too, but we'll get there eventually.

  8. This! Actually enjoying the horse you own is the best goal.

    1. I've always admired people who had horses like this. Somehow it never occurred to me that I could be the person having fun, haha.

  9. This sounds like the most fun goal there is anyway.

    (Also I seriusly covet Zoebird.)

  10. Aw! Yay! Seriously, it's so fabulous you found each other!

  11. I mean, meeting and exceeding all your goals is pretty darn cool! The future looks so bright for you two!

  12. I <3 this! I felt the same when I was training baby Katai.

  13. Having fun? Sounds good enough for me. The rest of the world is dramatic / hard enough already


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