Honestly, I don't think she's wild about this whole experiment. She's been ok, but she just seems to prefer the solidity of a bit and saddle. She likes structure, what can I say?
Her objections have been somewhat minor so far (some head tossing and anxious moving around) and I think she's adjusting. Next time I ride, which won't be until tomorrow or Thursday unfortunately, we'll use the bridle and dressage saddle so we can do some actual work. I admit, I'm too chicken to trot bareback yet.
I felt a lot better riding yesterday. I was much more stable and able to stay balanced. I'm still working on really relaxing through my whole body and actually trusting Izzy more. It's a work in progress. I've noticed that when I apply my outside turning aids, I tend to also clamp down with my inside leg, so instead of saying "please step sideways", my aids are saying "BHWAAAAA!!! DO SOMETHING NOWW!!!"
No wonder she was having trouble with me.
So. I'm trying to simplify my aids, relax, and clarify what I mean. To do this, we worked on figure eights with intermittent halts. I tried to keep my body (especially hips and legs) loose and relaxed. I did my best to apply my leg without tension--which is hard to explain. I tried to be conscious of what my whole body was doing so that when I did something, it actually meant something.
Overall, I'm quite happy with our progress and I look forward to continuing it throughout the winter.
Bareback is such a great way to hone in on your little areas of tension and a great way to get yourself riding centered and straight. Sounds like it's working well for you guys, even if Izzy does prefer a little structure.
ReplyDeleteIt is so awesome that you're working this hard to be self-aware when you're riding. It makes a huge difference!
ReplyDeleteI feel you on the bareback thing, though. I should do more, and I'd happily go gallop bareback all over tarnation (and have, sometimes) but McKinna really prefers that we just walk while bareback. She'll trot or canter if I ask, but she's grumpy about it, so I think it's just not comfortable for her even if I'm pretty steady with her.
Still, even bareback at the walk is good for something. I don't know that I would say bareback at the trot is much fun ;) Usually a little easier on the crotch to just go straight to canter, unless Izzy has a very smooooth trot.
I love riding bareback in the winter, it's so much warmer! I usually only walk, too. Spider has one of those shark fin withers, bouncing is uncomfortable at best!
ReplyDeleteYou might try taking your feet out of the stirrups while riding in your saddle. It's sort of like riding bareback, but with a little more "structure". Have fun with your experimenting!
I used to ride all over the place bareback, and even jumped....haven't done it in a long while. Tucker is not exactly the ideal horse to risk it on and when I tried it a little with Chance, he seemed more confused than anything.
ReplyDeleteAnd then, I had a heck of a time getting on. With my bad knees, I needed to get up above the horse and kind of lower myself down on him....so that meant climbing up on something to start off with which was another problem.
Guess I won't be doing too much bareback anymore...*G*
Clarity is such a simple concept, yet difficult to achieve sometimes. Stop, take a few breaths, clear your mind, think of what you really want and try again. Sounds easy enough, but can be the hardest part of what you accomplish some days.
ReplyDeleteI used to be able to spring up onto my geldings back. At 16h, that was a decent accomplishment. Now? You have got to be joking. I know my limitations